"Pass this Bill Now"...

Exactly. He wanted everyone to hear it, not just sound bites and hours of critic's remarks from the talking heads.

Almost nobody heard it... This is like Wilson running around trying to convince people that his plan was good... Running around on the train desperately trying to convince people.

The problem is people remember his promises from before, even if he doesn't want us to. This sudden "focus" on jobs is a bit too late to remove him from responsibility. Especially when he had super majorities in both houses to pass whatever was "necessary" for his first two years.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Stop whining like a little Fox News bitch, will ya please? It's a called a "preview" don't cha know. The man stated that the bill is forthcoming for all to inspect.....so if there's anything in it that contradicts ANY minute part of his speech, I'm sure World Net Daily or NewsMax or Crowley or Krauthammer or Limbaugh or the NY Post will be on it like an exaggerated tick on a dog. Bottom line: it was a brilliant chess move to counter the neocon/teabagger bullhorn, because it puts their ideology right out there for the American people to see and realize that Boehner and company weren't really in their corner. Now you have the GOP leaders' making all types of concillatory noises in order NOT to appear like the obstructionist SOB's they have been for the last 2 years.

Personally, I wasn't all that thrilled with the speech save for one or two points. Whether Obama can deliver has yet to be seen.

if the speech was so important, why did he wait so long to give it?

Why do you repeat questions that were answered a LONG time ago by myself and other posters? The answers that put your little tin gods in the GOP in a bad light won't change. But because your such a Yurt, I'll dumb it down for you......the GOP REJECTED all other attempts, bills, proposals from Obama and the Dems for the last two years, and then made mini-careers out of whining to Fox Noise that Obama didn't have a plan and hasn't presented one for the last year or so. They were lying, but Obama & company won't call it that......so he calls the first day back from vacation for the address....and that's were we come in on this thread.

If you STILL don't get it, either re-read the thread carefully and comprehensively or get an adult you trust to explain it to you.
Why do you repeat questions that were answered a LONG time ago by myself and other posters? The answers that put your little tin gods in the GOP in a bad light won't change. But because your such a Yurt, I'll dumb it down for you......the GOP REJECTED all other attempts, bills, proposals from Obama and the Dems for the last two years, and then made mini-careers out of whining to Fox Noise that Obama didn't have a plan and hasn't presented one for the last year or so. They were lying, but Obama & company won't call it that......so he calls the first day back from vacation for the address....and that's were we come in on this thread.

If you STILL don't get it, either re-read the thread carefully and comprehensively or get an adult you trust to explain it to you.

Obama submitted ONE bill since he was elected....and NOT EVEN ONE FROM HIS OWN PARTY VOTED FOR IT.....

There are no other bills from him.....NONE....

There IS NO BILL NOW....there is nothing to debate, nothing to read, nothing to report to the public, nothing to vote on.....

Congress doesn't pass speeches.....
And the CBO cannot evaluate costs of speeches. It's nonsense. He is cynically betting on the ignorance of US citizens, believing that they know nothing about the process and therefore he can say whatever he wants.
Stop whining like a little Fox News bitch, will ya please? It's a called a "preview" don't cha know. The man stated that the bill is forthcoming for all to inspect.....so if there's anything in it that contradicts ANY minute part of his speech, I'm sure World Net Daily or NewsMax or Crowley or Krauthammer or Limbaugh or the NY Post will be on it like an exaggerated tick on a dog. Bottom line: it was a brilliant chess move to counter the neocon/teabagger bullhorn, because it puts their ideology right out there for the American people to see and realize that Boehner and company weren't really in their corner. Now you have the GOP leaders' making all types of concillatory noises in order NOT to appear like the obstructionist SOB's they have been for the last 2 years.

Personally, I wasn't all that thrilled with the speech save for one or two points. Whether Obama can deliver has yet to be seen.

You've finally said something I can wholeheartedly agree with....you post,

".so if there's anything in it that contradicts ANY minute part of his speech, I'm sure World Net Daily or NewsMax or Crowley or Krauthammer or Limbaugh or the NY Post will be on it like an exaggerated tick on a dog."

We certainly hope thats the case.....Newsmax, Crowley, Krauthammer, Limbaugh, NY Post, and some others....we hope, WILL be on it.....cause we sure won't hear about anything on the regular news outlets if it even remotely seems like being unfavorable to Obama and the lying left.....

Thats why we rely on the FAIR AND BALANCED to give us the truth about issues......
Why do you repeat questions that were answered a LONG time ago by myself and other posters? The answers that put your little tin gods in the GOP in a bad light won't change. But because your such a Yurt, I'll dumb it down for you......the GOP REJECTED all other attempts, bills, proposals from Obama and the Dems for the last two years, and then made mini-careers out of whining to Fox Noise that Obama didn't have a plan and hasn't presented one for the last year or so. They were lying, but Obama & company won't call it that......so he calls the first day back from vacation for the address....and that's were we come in on this thread.

If you STILL don't get it, either re-read the thread carefully and comprehensively or get an adult you trust to explain it to you.

so he waited because the GOP rejected his earlier bills? wow it was so important that he waited. they haven't rejected everything. if this is so important he should have gotten the message out ASAP instead of playing politics with it. apparently jobs are just political football to him and you.

what an obama apologist.
Its taken Obama a year and a half while the economy gets worse and worse, and what do we get.....another speech....you can't vote on a speech.....
Obama submitted ONE bill since he was elected....and NOT EVEN ONE FROM HIS OWN PARTY VOTED FOR IT.....

There are no other bills from him.....NONE....

There IS NO BILL NOW....there is nothing to debate, nothing to read, nothing to report to the public, nothing to vote on.....

Congress doesn't pass speeches.....

Once again, Bravo brays his ignorance......perhaps he was on the barstool when the GOP lock stepped against his proposals on the debt ceiling, or his tax plan presented last year, their numerous attempts to stop the healthcare reform bill, etc., etc. Someone just prop this dumb bastard back on his barstool and give him another round. "Bravo" indeed.
What Bill? He hasn't even written one.

Anyway, it was like watching a Ginsu commercial...

If you "Pass this Bill Now" we'll double your order and "or save" twice as many jobs as we "or saved" in your previous order just pay triple the shipping costs and double the "processing"! If you move now we'll even throw in some extra costs, but we'll make other people pay for them!

One 20 minute speech, and adding $500 Billion (just a SWAG on his part because there is nothing on paper for the CBO to look at)...

I thought it was kind of a dumb and hokey line to throw in, for one.
And the CBO cannot evaluate costs of speeches. It's nonsense. He is cynically betting on the ignorance of US citizens, believing that they know nothing about the process and therefore he can say whatever he wants.

It's nonsense that neocon/teabagger toadies like you kept creating scenarios that don't exist....because since the details are coming next week, NO ONE STATED THAT THE CBO CAN EVALUATE A SPEECH. So once again Damo, you're smokescreen fails miserably.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Stop whining like a little Fox News bitch, will ya please? It's a called a "preview" don't cha know. The man stated that the bill is forthcoming for all to inspect.....so if there's anything in it that contradicts ANY minute part of his speech, I'm sure World Net Daily or NewsMax or Crowley or Krauthammer or Limbaugh or the NY Post will be on it like an exaggerated tick on a dog. Bottom line: it was a brilliant chess move to counter the neocon/teabagger bullhorn, because it puts their ideology right out there for the American people to see and realize that Boehner and company weren't really in their corner. Now you have the GOP leaders' making all types of concillatory noises in order NOT to appear like the obstructionist SOB's they have been for the last 2 years.

Personally, I wasn't all that thrilled with the speech save for one or two points. Whether Obama can deliver has yet to be seen.

You've finally said something I can wholeheartedly agree with....you post,

".so if there's anything in it that contradicts ANY minute part of his speech, I'm sure World Net Daily or NewsMax or Crowley or Krauthammer or Limbaugh or the NY Post will be on it like an exaggerated tick on a dog."

We certainly hope thats the case.....Newsmax, Crowley, Krauthammer, Limbaugh, NY Post, and some others....we hope, WILL be on it.....cause we sure won't hear about anything on the regular news outlets if it even remotely seems like being unfavorable to Obama and the lying left.....

Thats why we rely on the FAIR AND BALANCED to give us the truth about issues......

"We"?!!? You mean the willfully ignorant barfly's, teabaggers and neocons who religiously lap up anything a documented liar like Limbaugh spews? Or the consistently corrected and disproven yellow sheet journalism of Newsmax or the NY Post? Yeah, a bunch of fools who are played for suckers time and again, as the forementioned cretins push the propaganda that giving tax breaks to millionaires and corporations to ship jobs overseas while YOU pay a higher tax rate and see people who did all the right things get screwed. God forbid you actually READ other sources of information to cross check your precious propagandist. "Bravo", indeed!
so he waited because the GOP rejected his earlier bills? Nope, if you had any awareness of wtf is going on outside of Limbaugh and the WND, you would know that it would have been the first day when everyone was back from vacation. wow it was so important that he waited. Wow, it's so important to see what a complete willfully ignorant jackass you are. they haven't rejected everything. Really? Where you asleep during the last 2 years that had GOP making record filibusters? Or there attempts to stop and then repeal the Healthcare reform bill? Are you really that ignorant of what's going on around you, or are you that much of a partisan hack? if this is so important he should have gotten the message out ASAP instead of playing politics with it. apparently jobs are just political football to him and you.

what an obama apologist.

As you can see folks, Yurt is just proudly ignorant, and stubbornly repeats his beliefs/mantras despite facts to the contrary.
As you can see folks, Yurt is just proudly ignorant, and stubbornly repeats his beliefs/mantras despite facts to the contrary.

unfortunately for you, i don't read WND or listen to rush, well, unless bored i'll listen to rush occasionally. your weak ad homs show your desperation. your logic makes no sense. you're saying that obama waited because of record gop filibusters, yet why would that change NOW? waiting so long didn't change anything with republicans. your contention is that somehow waiting will cause things to change. nonsense and really quite silly. if this was so important, he should have given the speech earlier. there is nothing magical about the time he gave the speech, he waited for political reasons alone. further, the speech was pretty much similar to his 2009 speech. so in essence obama has no clue what he is doing.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As you can see folks, Yurt is just proudly ignorant, and stubbornly repeats his beliefs/mantras despite facts to the contrary.

unfortunately for you, i don't read WND or listen to rush, well, unless bored i'll listen to rush occasionally. your weak ad homs show your desperation. your logic makes no sense. you're saying that obama waited because of record gop filibusters, Nope, didn't say that...and unless you can copy and paste from the post where I allegedly said such, that makes you a liar. yet why would that change NOW? waiting so long didn't change anything with republicans. your contention is that somehow waiting will cause things to change. nonsense and really quite silly. if this was so important, he should have given the speech earlier. there is nothing magical about the time he gave the speech, he waited for political reasons alone. further, the speech was pretty much similar to his 2009 speech. so in essence obama has no clue what he is doing.

Amazing how Yurtle creates his own version of reality, ignores the documented facts, and then draws conclusions based on his own fantasies. Poor Yurtle, his tiny brain just can't handle the fact that Obama put the GOP BS out in front of the American public and made them look foolish. Small wonder Boehner and some of the other GOP headliners immediately started making concillatory noises. But next Thursday will tell the real tale as to whether Obama can deliver or will the GOP continue to stone wall for the Bush tax cuts. In the meantime, let's watch Yurtle just repeat his fantastic BS ad nauseum.
It's nonsense that neocon/teabagger toadies like you kept creating scenarios that don't exist....because since the details are coming next week, NO ONE STATED THAT THE CBO CAN EVALUATE A SPEECH. So once again Damo, you're smokescreen fails miserably.

Are you deliberately obtuse or does it come naturally?
taichiliberal is a liar. his entire defense of obama rests on the purported GOP filibusters.


Can you prove that beyond your useless opinion using the chronology of the posts? Because I stated time and again that the reason Obama chose the initial date because it was the FIRST DAY BACK FROM VACATION FOR THE CONGRESS AND THEY HAD ONLY PREFUNCTORY ACTIONS TO HANDLE. In other words, there was nothing big or urgent on the first day back, so Obama could get the ears of both houses to contemplate what was coming down the pike. The discussion of filibusters came up AFTER clowns like YOU kept stating that Obama and the Dems NEVER tried to put out a plan prior.

Once again, Yurt is exposed as intellectually dishonest, if not generally stupid.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
It's nonsense that neocon/teabagger toadies like you kept creating scenarios that don't exist....because since the details are coming next week, NO ONE STATED THAT THE CBO CAN EVALUATE A SPEECH. So once again Damo, you're smokescreen fails miserably.

Are you deliberately obtuse or does it come naturally?

Translation: Damo doesn't have an honest, fact based refutation of my previous statement, so he figures the usual neocon/teabagger ploy of a general insult to my personal status will divert the issue. Poor Damo...he just can't keep the neocon/teabagger idiot part of his political/social psyche under wraps for long.
Can you prove that beyond your useless opinion using the chronology of the posts? Because I stated time and again that the reason Obama chose the initial date because it was the FIRST DAY BACK FROM VACATION FOR THE CONGRESS AND THEY HAD ONLY PREFUNCTORY ACTIONS TO HANDLE. In other words, there was nothing big or urgent on the first day back, so Obama could get the ears of both houses to contemplate what was coming down the pike. The discussion of filibusters came up AFTER clowns like YOU kept stating that Obama and the Dems NEVER tried to put out a plan prior.

Once again, Yurt is exposed as intellectually dishonest, if not generally stupid.

so obama had no plan before their vacation....because that is what you are claiming. it was so important that he couldn't tell the american people earlier. it was so important that he had to play politics with it. it was so important that he couldn't think of anything before they went on vacation.
