This has been proven to be an apology for the true reality of what Marxism really is.
Marxism only exists to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer. It takes away opportunity, and makes the masses dependent, and lazy. Look at East Germany, the USSR, N. Korea, Cuba, etc. A complete failure.
Marxism mandates compliance.
Opportunity (liberty) is quite the opposite.
The reason East Germany, the USSR, N. Korea, Cuba and other Marxist/Socialist states fail is due to corruption. There are no free elections.
Look at Putin (Russia). First he worked in the KGB. Then he was elected President. Now he's Prime Minister. What has really changed? When Communism ended the government sold buildings/land/businesses to friends. So much for Capitalism. As for N. Korea and Cuba....well, it's a lifetime appointment. The problem isn't with "Socialism". It's with corruption.
People can help others by paying taxes and then leaving the tax-payers alone to do whatever they want. The argument against social programs is almost always about taxes. There is no compliance involved. No one is forced to accept government assistance. The reason government policies such as Social Security and ObamaCare mandate certain things is because people would not help others if there wasn't something in it for them.
If wealthy people were not entitled to SS the contributions would be less for everyone. Of course, who is going to contribute if they think they won't qualify? So, it's arranged that everyone receives something even if they don't need it.
The same with ObamaCare. Everything could have been left the way things were and a fund set up to cover those who are unable to afford medical coverage similar to Medicaid/Medicare. But some people are so greedy the only way to accomplish that was to force everyone to comply. The only way to cover the less fortunate was to impose rules on everyone. The complainers, those who object could have had things differently but their jealousy, their stinginess, their greed, their belief they worked so much harder than everyone else resulted in them being forced to comply. It resulted in a complete overhaul of the medical system. It is no ones fault but theirs. They had decades to find a solution but they didn't want a solution. They didn't care if people died; 45,000/yr.
They brought this on themselves.