"Pass this Bill Now"...

Who cares WHEN the hell he came out with it.

I'd wager he DID come up with his "plan" after his vacation. I mean, how long does it take to come up with "Hey, let's do more of what has already failed!" It probably took his speech writer longer to write the speech than Obama spent coming up with his "plan". The delay was to give us the impression he thought long and hard about it before coming out with his brilliance.
Translation: Damo doesn't have an honest, fact based refutation of my previous statement, so he figures the usual neocon/teabagger ploy of a general insult to my personal status will divert the issue. Poor Damo...he just can't keep the neocon/teabagger idiot part of his political/social psyche under wraps for long.

Translation: Damo answered my question astutely, I keep trying to move but he keeps it focused on the suggestive personal accusation I made and that frustrates me. I'll try again to say Damo is saying something he isn't, thus making him ask if I am being deliberately obtuse and then I'll pretend it is the only thing he said. Maybe nobody will notice that I can't defend my own accusation.
Who cares WHEN the hell he came out with it.

I'd wager he DID come up with his "plan" after his vacation. I mean, how long does it take to come up with "Hey, let's do more of what has already failed!" It probably took his speech writer longer to write the speech than Obama spent coming up with his "plan". The delay was to give us the impression he thought long and hard about it before coming out with his brilliance.

He is damned if he does with you.
He is damned if he does with you.
When what he does is asininely stupid, yes. When his "answer" to our problems is more of the same that got us where we are - in hopeless debt and no end in sight - yes.

Hell, I would have given him credit for something new, even if the new was even more stupid. At least it would have been new. But stupid AND same old AND already done AND already failed, then yes.

Why shouldn't it be?
He is damned if he does with you.

Rana.... take a look at his 'plan' for jobs.... the main components....

1) Another extension of unemployment benefits.... been doing that, it has done NOTHING to stimulate job growth

2) Extension of the payroll tax cut.... obviously this simply extends the status quo which has done nothing to stimulate job growth

3) More money for public sector unions.... hence his 'if you want teachers to teach, pass this bill', 'if you want firefighters to answer the call, pass this bill'....

4) Infrastructure.... again he promises 'if you want construction workers on the job, pass this bill'.... yet it is the SAME line he used for the 2009 stimulus that did not do what he said then either.

5) Tax break for companies that 'hire the long term unemployed'.... at the same time he is chanting tax businesses more.... so you have two short term breaks for businesses (payroll tax cut/tax break for hiring) vs. two additional costs (extension of unemployment, tax increases). This is going to do little to nothing to encourage hiring.

What part of the above inspires you? I ask this in sincerity. What exactly is his 'plan' going to do THIS time?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Can you prove that beyond your useless opinion using the chronology of the posts? Because I stated time and again that the reason Obama chose the initial date because it was the FIRST DAY BACK FROM VACATION FOR THE CONGRESS AND THEY HAD ONLY PREFUNCTORY ACTIONS TO HANDLE. In other words, there was nothing big or urgent on the first day back, so Obama could get the ears of both houses to contemplate what was coming down the pike. The discussion of filibusters came up AFTER clowns like YOU kept stating that Obama and the Dems NEVER tried to put out a plan prior.

Once again, Yurt is exposed as intellectually dishonest, if not generally stupid.
so obama had no plan before their vacation....because that is what you are claiming. it was so important that he couldn't tell the american people earlier. it was so important that he had to play politics with it. it was so important that he couldn't think of anything before they went on vacation.


Obvioulsy, this chucklehead of a Yurt was unaware or in denial of the last two years as every proposal and attempt by the Obama administration and the Dems regarding the economy was either rejected or filibustered by the GOP. It's this willful ignorance by folks like Yurt that keep them parroting the SOS that folks like Limbaugh and Drudge feed them...note that our dense Yurt just ignores/denies FACTS that don't fit his narrative, and continues to parrot already addressed points.

Yurt is just clown who'll endorse his own narrative despite all else. Laugh, clown, laugh.
Who cares WHEN the hell he came out with it.

I'd wager he DID come up with his "plan" after his vacation. I mean, how long does it take to come up with "Hey, let's do more of what has already failed!" It probably took his speech writer longer to write the speech than Obama spent coming up with his "plan". The delay was to give us the impression he thought long and hard about it before coming out with his brilliance.

Ask GM if Obama "failed" (what he did outside of TARP that the GOP objected to)....ask the 200,000 fed jobs created if he "failed"? Ask all the Red states that got and used stimulus money if he "failed"?
I could go on, but you've got you're head so far up Limbaugh's ass it's pathetic.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: Damo doesn't have an honest, fact based refutation of my previous statement, so he figures the usual neocon/teabagger ploy of a general insult to my personal status will divert the issue. Poor Damo...he just can't keep the neocon/teabagger idiot part of his political/social psyche under wraps for long.
Translation: Damo answered my question astutely, I keep trying to move but he keeps it focused on the suggestive personal accusation I made and that frustrates me. I'll try again to say Damo is saying something he isn't, thus making him ask if I am being deliberately obtuse and then I'll pretend it is the only thing he said. Maybe nobody will notice that I can't defend my own accusation.

Damo my man, you need to grow the fuck up! The chronology of the post CLEARLY shows YOU making the moronic statement about the CBO evaluating a speech....and NO ONE BUT YOU alluded to, suggested or implied such! YOU WERE WRONG. But like all insipidly stubborn neocon wonks, you don't have the cojones to just fess up. Pathetic.

But FYI, the CBO DOES HAVE THE PROPOSED BILL AND IS EVALUATING IT AT PRESENT. A little research would have told you that, but instead you seem confident in teabagger/neocon speculation. Carry on.
Damo my man, you need to grow the fuck up! The chronology of the post CLEARLY shows YOU making the moronic statement about the CBO evaluating a speech....and NO ONE BUT YOU alluded to, suggested or implied such! YOU WERE WRONG. But like all insipidly stubborn neocon wonks, you don't have the cojones to just fess up. Pathetic.

But FYI, the CBO DOES HAVE THE PROPOSED BILL AND IS EVALUATING IT AT PRESENT. A little research would have told you that, but instead you seem confident in teabagger/neocon speculation. Carry on.

Again, saying what it costs comes from an evaluation by the CBO which hasn't evaluated this "bill" that still isn't a bill. It has yet to be presented by anybody caucusing with the Ds. In fact, one intelligent R Congressman put forth a bill snaking his title as they still haven't bothered to even enter it.

Trying to maintain what it costs without any evaluation from the entity that evaluates such things was my point. You however went off on on accusation in that post. I've answered you, you've tried to deflect.

The reality is there STILL is no bill. It won't be one until it is entered, and now it won't be able to have the title he's been promoting, a R Bill already has it.
Obvioulsy, this chucklehead of a Yurt was unaware or in denial of the last two years as every proposal and attempt by the Obama administration and the Dems regarding the economy was either rejected or filibustered by the GOP. It's this willful ignorance by folks like Yurt that keep them parroting the SOS that folks like Limbaugh and Drudge feed them...note that our dense Yurt just ignores/denies FACTS that don't fit his narrative, and continues to parrot already addressed points.

Yurt is just clown who'll endorse his own narrative despite all else. Laugh, clown, laugh.

provide proof.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Damo my man, you need to grow the fuck up! The chronology of the post CLEARLY shows YOU making the moronic statement about the CBO evaluating a speech....and NO ONE BUT YOU alluded to, suggested or implied such! YOU WERE WRONG. But like all insipidly stubborn neocon wonks, you don't have the cojones to just fess up. Pathetic.

But FYI, the CBO DOES HAVE THE PROPOSED BILL AND IS EVALUATING IT AT PRESENT. A little research would have told you that, but instead you seem confident in teabagger/neocon speculation. Carry on.

Again, saying what it costs comes from an evaluation by the CBO which hasn't evaluated this "bill" that still isn't a bill. It has yet to be presented by anybody caucusing with the Ds. In fact, one intelligent R Congressman put forth a bill snaking his title as they still haven't bothered to even enter it.

Again I didn't say that the "costs" come from an evaluation by the CBO....YOU introduced that nonsense. If someone else said so on this thread, then please copy and paste the quote or give the link.

Trying to maintain what it costs without any evaluation from the entity that evaluates such things was my point. You however went off on on accusation in that post. I've answered you, you've tried to deflect.

Again, I said nothing of the sort, and neither did Obama in his speech. YOU, Damo, are doing a neocon shuffle....creating a scenario and treating it like it's real. The FACTS however, make you out to be a liar and a BS artist.
The reality is there STILL is no bill. It won't be one until it is entered, and now it won't be able to have the title he's been promoting, a R Bill already has it.

The Republican's don't have shit....they've been regurgitating the same Shrubism since 2008.....that they officially put it through with their majority vote is pointless as the Senate has stopped it. What's bugging them is that Obama publically called them out for the obstructionist jackasses they are with little regard for American jobs.

CBO Chief Gives De Facto Boost To Obama Jobs Plan

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Obvioulsy, this chucklehead of a Yurt was unaware or in denial of the last two years as every proposal and attempt by the Obama administration and the Dems regarding the economy was either rejected or filibustered by the GOP. It's this willful ignorance by folks like Yurt that keep them parroting the SOS that folks like Limbaugh and Drudge feed them...note that our dense Yurt just ignores/denies FACTS that don't fit his narrative, and continues to parrot already addressed points.

Yurt is just clown who'll endorse his own narrative despite all else. Laugh, clown, laugh.
provide proof.

What makes this Congress different? The most interesting change is GOP strategy. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell (KY) has threatened filibuster on a wide range of issues, in part to force Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to negotiate with his party and in part just to gum up the works. Republicans have invoked filibusters or used other delaying tactics on controversial issues like Medicare prescription drugs, the war in Iraq, and domestic surveillance—and on non-controversial issues like ethics reform and electronic campaign disclosure.


Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act
On January 17, an attempt to change ethics laws and rules failed after forty-five Republicans blocked it from coming to the floor for a vote. Several days later, the measure passed 96-2 after Senate leaders were able to compromise on their differences.<ref>Jonathan Weisman, "Republicans Halt Ethics Legislation," Washington Post, January 17, 2007.</ref>

See Congresspedia page on the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2007.
Raising the minimum wage
On January 23, forty-three Republicans blocked an attempt to raise the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 over two-years.<ref>Thomas Ferraro, "Senate Republicans block minimum wage hike," Reuters, January 24, 2007.</ref>

Template:Senate record vote

Several days later, the increase was passed 94-3 after several amendments allowing for small business tax breaks were added to the bill.

See Congresspedia page on minimum wage legislation.
Opposing the "surge"
On February 5, 2007, forty-six Republicans blocked an attempt by Democrats to consider a resolution opposing President Bush's plan to send an additional 21,500 troops into Iraq.<ref>Carl Hulse and Brian Knowlton, "Senate expected to approve — eventually — resolution on Iraq," International Herald Tribune, February 6, 2007.</ref>


Senate Republicans: Filibuster everything to win in November?

Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/02/12/84487/senate-republicans-filibuster.html#ixzz1Y4fXQoa8

The Republican's don't have shit....they've been regurgitating the same Shrubism since 2008.....that they officially put it through with their majority vote is pointless as the Senate has stopped it. What's bugging them is that Obama publically called them out for the obstructionist jackasses they are with little regard for American jobs.

CBO Chief Gives De Facto Boost To Obama Jobs Plan


I see you have all of your talking points emailed to you.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The Republican's don't have shit....they've been regurgitating the same Shrubism since 2008.....that they officially put it through with their majority vote is pointless as the Senate has stopped it. What's bugging them is that Obama publically called them out for the obstructionist jackasses they are with little regard for American jobs.

CBO Chief Gives De Facto Boost To Obama Jobs Plan


I see you have all of your talking points emailed to you.

Obviously, the sarcasm of the title of the site is lost on you....but the information it contains is valid. If you can disprove, do so and don't waste everyone's time with the same old neocon/teabagger bullshit.
Obviously, the sarcasm of the title of the site is lost on you....but the information it contains is valid. If you can disprove, do so and don't waste everyone's time with the same old neocon/teabagger bullshit.

A tea partier is the opposite of a neocon dude.

Boy are you stupid.

Really stupid.