Truck Fump / h1b
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I thought it was in danger from mexican immigrants ?
Don't be an asshole. The hordes of poor immigrants happen to be mexican at this point in time.
I thought it was in danger from mexican immigrants ?
Hey Asshat...
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Except the Mexicans, eh?
You ever see a film about an American mining community that banned claims from 'foreigners'? James Caan is in it......
At that time there was no such thing as "illegal" immigration. It wasn't until later years that the US found a need to limit immigration and therefore created laws on it.Pa-lease...the writer was referring to "Legal Immigrants" Not " Illegal Aiens" Big diff Old Iron!
America was founded on 'illegal' immigration. The English didn't wait in immigration before forming Jamestown...
Maybe you should create an Ellis Island on the Mexican border...
At that time there was no such thing as "illegal" immigration. It wasn't until later years that the US found a need to limit immigration and therefore created laws on it.
Then maybe the Mexicans should invade parts of the US and ethnically cleanse those areas they wish to take, place US citizens in concentration reservations....
Hey Asshat...
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Except the Mexicans, eh?
You ever see a film about an American mining community that banned claims from 'foreigners'? James Caan is in it......
Well Mexico is a poor nation so that makes sense that the ones bailing out would be the poor.
And this is happening in Los Angeles,California as we speak...I'm sorry but Mexico conceded California,Texas,and New Mexico during the Mexican Wars way back 1820-1840 era...did they declare another US/Mexican War...maybe they have...which side are you on Old Iron???
Are Mexicans really ethnically cleansing Americans and placing them in concentration camps (reservations)? lol
Whose side am I on? Do you need my help to beat up Mexico?
But it doesn't make sense that it should necessarily be our problem.
And this is happening in Los Angeles,California as we speak...I'm sorry but Mexico conceded California,Texas,and New Mexico during the Mexican Wars way back 1820-1840 era...did they declare another US/Mexican War...maybe they have...which side are you on Old Iron???
Are Mexicans really ethnically cleansing Americans and placing them in concentration camps (reservations)? lol
Whose side am I on? Do you need my help to beat up Mexico?
And this is happening in Los Angeles,California as we speak...I'm sorry but Mexico conceded California,Texas,and New Mexico during the Mexican Wars way back 1820-1840 era...did they declare another US/Mexican War...maybe they have...which side are you on Old Iron???
and the southern half of FL is pretty much furriners too. LIttle cuba pretty much. But that is America.
the true path to national suicide is our dependence on foreign oil.