Patriotism Means Wearing A Mask

Wearing a mask is such an easy habit to get into. And it's also a creative thing. People make a fashion statement out of it. So many variations.

I kinda like the coordination in grocery stores. Actual communication between shoppers, showing how considerate they are. "Are you going this way? OK, I'll move around there." "Oh thank you, much appreciated."

That's kinda cool.

Of course, there's always the covidiot, no mask, no eye contact, barging right through without asking. Violating your 6' space.
Wearing a mask is such an easy habit to get into. And it's also a creative thing. People make a fashion statement out of it. So many variations.

I kinda like the coordination in grocery stores. Actual communication between shoppers, showing how considerate they are. "Are you going this way? OK, I'll move around there." "Oh thank you, much appreciated."

That's kinda cool.

Of course, there's always the covidiot, no mask, no eye contact, barging right through without asking. Violating your 6' space.

no, karen, now go sit in timeout in your duncecap.
This should be simple enough.

You care about your fellow citizens, you do your part for the common good.

You wear a mask.

Wearing a mask is suddenly a proud way of showing your patriotism for America.
This should be simple enough.

You care about your fellow citizens, you do your part for the common good.

You wear a mask.

Wearing a mask is suddenly a proud way of showing your patriotism for America.

no. you're a feeble minded idiot, promoting mindless conformity as a virtue.
Wearing a mask is more patriotic than flying a flag.

One is a symbol of support for America.

The other is an act of support for fellow Americans.
I don't see patriotism in a mask. It is just about not spreading a virus or catching it. It is moral and ethical. It is consideration for those you encounter. It is what an intelligent and caring person would do.
Hello Nordberg,

I don't see patriotism in a mask. It is just about not spreading a virus or catching it. It is moral and ethical. It is consideration for those you encounter. It is what an intelligent and caring person would do.

Patriotism is doing things for your country, not just waving flags.

If you're wearing a mask in public where you might be near others, then you're helping to prevent COVID. That's helping Americans live, not being so careless they might die.

Helping Americans live helps the country stay strong, helps America. Of course it's patriotic to help your country survive.
This kind of patriotism won't go out of style until the pandemic is over.

It is more patriotic to wear a mask to the store on July 3rd than it is to wave a flag on July 4th.
You are either part of the problem or you are part of the solution.

The best thing you can do for your country is to protect your fellow citizens.

You could have COVID and not even know it.

Wear a mask. Protect America.
Wearing a useless mask or one that's fitted / worn wrong is a meaningless gesture on your part. Since a good portion of those wearing one are doing that, what's the point?

Me I've been professionally trained and fitted for gas masks, respirators (half-mask type), and had OSHA and NAVOSH training on wearing those and even dust masks (yes, there is a right way to do it).

So, seeing some smuck in a mask with a full beard, or some lady that has her nose exposed, or an idiot with one that has big gaps around the sides and top, I just shrug and wish they issued signs...
Wearing a useless mask or one that's fitted / worn wrong is a meaningless gesture on your part. Since a good portion of those wearing one are doing that, what's the point?

Me I've been professionally trained and fitted for gas masks, respirators (half-mask type), and had OSHA and NAVOSH training on wearing those and even dust masks (yes, there is a right way to do it).

So, seeing some smuck in a mask with a full beard, or some lady that has her nose exposed, or an idiot with one that has big gaps around the sides and top, I just shrug and wish they issued signs...

Masks are working. Even the ones that aren't fitted properly.

It's a universal recommendation at this point. In areas that have high compliance, there is a corresponding downturn in #'s.

Everyone seems to think they know everything there is to know about masks & this virus. The people that have the whole picture on this strongly recommend them, and say they could help us avoid a 2nd & 3rd wave.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Wearing a useless mask or one that's fitted / worn wrong is a meaningless gesture on your part. Since a good portion of those wearing one are doing that, what's the point?

Me I've been professionally trained and fitted for gas masks, respirators (half-mask type), and had OSHA and NAVOSH training on wearing those and even dust masks (yes, there is a right way to do it).

So, seeing some smuck in a mask with a full beard, or some lady that has her nose exposed, or an idiot with one that has big gaps around the sides and top, I just shrug and wish they issued signs...

If you are so concerned the best way to deal with that would be to lead by example.

People who wear no mask set the worst example.
Hello BartenderElite,

Masks are working. Even the ones that aren't fitted properly.

It's a universal recommendation at this point. In areas that have high compliance, there is a corresponding downturn in #'s.

Everyone seems to think they know everything there is to know about masks & this virus. The people that have the whole picture on this strongly recommend them, and say they could help us avoid a 2nd & 3rd wave.

Almost 120K dead shows that America sucks pretty bad at fighting a pandemic, so a lot of people could certainly improve their COVID-fighting skills.

How are we gonna win a war against humanity if we can't even get people to fight it?

What we do has an effect!
I am seeing a lot of people who think it's all over.

They are taking no precautions.

That is extremely unpatriotic.

We are in a war with a bug.

The enemy loves these unpatriotic people, uses them to continue it's attacks, taking more lives.

This is an excellent post.
Hello BartenderElite,

Almost 120K dead shows that America sucks pretty bad at fighting a pandemic, so a lot of people could certainly improve their COVID-fighting skills.

How are we gonna win a war against humanity if we can't even get people to fight it?

What we do has an effect!

120K dead is winning, but it has come at huge cost...we will have at least that number die early because the health care system has been mostly shut down.