Disagreed. I think he fits the standard JPP profile for a Trumper: Elderly, Euro-American, lone male incel probably living in a facility but possibly some form of bordering house. JPP is their outlet to the world for them to vent their venom.
Have you noticed how hateful and vicious they are? Sure, most don't have the intestinal fortitude to be violent themselves, but they advocate it daily either directly or indirectly.
This "the election was stolen, democrats are evil that must be stopped" meme is an example. You know as well as I that most of these clowns won't do a damn thing. All they re doing is pissing and moaning. None of them want to go to jail and most of them are sane enough to know what will get them arrested and what won't.
The problem I see that is, by fomenting anti-American hatred and advocating overthrowing the nation to install a dictator, they are encouraging those who are crazier than them to become actively violent. They are scumbags like a mob that screams "Jump! Jump! Jump!" to a person on a ledge.
This type of crazy:
A person who is a hair-trigger away of impulsively wiping out everyone in the house in which he lives then going to a Democratic office or rally to shoot that up too.