People Who's Opinion I Respect


Worst gambler ever
I respect Darla's opinion more than anyone else's here because hers is honest, discerning, and unmoved by anything, save for her valid and intelligent opinion. That, and she's sexually capable of making my penis move with just a nod of approval.

Damo, he's the man, and though he will resort to such filth as "nonsense" and "rubbish", his intelligent discussion often goes over the heads of his opponents, and as per usual, he crushes them, asshat style.

Watermark - smart, great kid. Clueless as to where the boundaries are, but a respectable dude nonetheless.

There's about 20 more of you, but I just ran out of gas. Sue me.
I agree we have some really great people on this board and to try and mention them all would take all day.

Group hug :party:
I respect Darla's opinion more than anyone else's here because hers is honest, discerning, and unmoved by anything, save for her valid and intelligent opinion. That, and she's sexually capable of making my penis move with just a nod of approval.

The rest of this post was unnecessary.

I agree with this part of it. Very good.
I respect Darla's opinion more than anyone else's here because hers is honest, discerning, and unmoved by anything, save for her valid and intelligent opinion. That, and she's sexually capable of making my penis move with just a nod of approval.

Damo, he's the man, and though he will resort to such filth as "nonsense" and "rubbish", his intelligent discussion often goes over the heads of his opponents, and as per usual, he crushes them, asshat style.

Watermark - smart, great kid. Clueless as to where the boundaries are, but a respectable dude nonetheless.

There's about 20 more of you, but I just ran out of gas. Sue me.

You didn't have to write this big, propaganda post Beefy to make up for the wicked witch post. I'll still sleep with you.

I respect Darla's opinion more than anyone else's here because hers is honest, discerning, and unmoved by anything, save for her valid and intelligent opinion. That, and she's sexually capable of making my penis move with just a nod of approval.

Damo, he's the man, and though he will resort to such filth as "nonsense" and "rubbish", his intelligent discussion often goes over the heads of his opponents, and as per usual, he crushes them, asshat style.

Watermark - smart, great kid. Clueless as to where the boundaries are, but a respectable dude nonetheless.

There's about 20 more of you, but I just ran out of gas. Sue me.

Makes a guy wanna....:barf: This has to take the award for the biggest kiss ass on the the little hottie from craigs list not working out?(no wonder a slice of pie! for a second date?...lmao)...ya need to hit the cyber sex thingee again?
{....sits in corner pouting that she wasn't mentioned.....}

Thats because I've known you for years, since 2003 in fact, and I've shared with you all kinds of stories about failed threesomes, poker losses, hot roommates, and lo and behold, a couple of douchebag Mormon Missionary kids get to witness the bounty, and I don't.

That's why.
Thats because I've known you for years, since 2003 in fact, and I've shared with you all kinds of stories about failed threesomes, poker losses, hot roommates, and lo and behold, a couple of douchebag Mormon Missionary kids get to witness the bounty, and I don't.

That's why.

Really Beefy, who has she been showing it to? Tell me everything.
Thats because I've known you for years, since 2003 in fact, and I've shared with you all kinds of stories about failed threesomes, poker losses, hot roommates, and lo and behold, a couple of douchebag Mormon Missionary kids get to witness the bounty, and I don't.

That's why.

lmao. Are you ever going to forget about that?:p