Perfect description of Trump

A very good and short read....

It's one of the few reasons I have found that begin to explain how someone as fucked up as Trump could have so many devout followers. The other classic and master gaslighter in history was Adolph Hitler. Someone capable of making people with weak minds question reality to then exert power or control over them.

As despicable as he was, Dolph was a brilliant scholar next to the Trumpster.
Better looking, too, as ugly as he was.

The minds Trump penetrated had to be substantially weaker.

Biden is not a traitor attempting to overturn the US government. Trump did do that...and almost certainly was planning to do so from the very first day...back when the infant was lying about the size of his inauguration crowd. matter what day you mention...ON THAT DAY, BIDEN WAS A MUCH BETTER PRESIDENT FOR AMERICAN THAN TRUMP WAS ON ANY DAY HE WAS PRESIDENT.

Thank you for giving me that opportunity to mention it again.

TDS on display.
Problem is you and your ilk despised and attempted to destroy Trump from day one so your focus on the supposed insurrection rings hollow.

The Orange Oaf was a known POS in the New York area for decades BEFORE the GOP lost their god damned minds and put him on the ticket....the DEMS equally insane in running Hillary.

No one "tried" to destroy him....he did that on all his own, as a myriad of his quotes in print/audio & video attest to. That died in the wool conservatives he appointed jumped ship and called him out for being a sociopathic asshole was not the doing by folks like myself and Owl Woman.

Face it, toodles....the emperor has no clothes, and the hearings are doing a fine job of expose. That you deny this is of no consequence.
There are so many weak minded folks in America and the majority of them live in a red state. I think it has a lot to do with education. Many of the red states have low rankings in education. Jim Jones was able to convince people to hand over their money to him. Charlie Manson was able to control his followers to murder for him. And think of all the folks who give money to preachers and make them wealthy because they preach the bible.... a sucker is born every minute. Trump supporters hate facts and love conspiracy theories. That's about all they are good for.

A classic cartoon and so accurate. None of the trumpers want to watch the hearings because they know the truth is not what they want to hear.
Everything democrats do and say concerning Trump is further evidence of their fear of him and how effective he was and would be again.

Would be again? That's fucking funny. That asshole will never be elected to anything again, he lost the last election and since Jan 6 shenanigan's has lost another major portion of his support. There are some who voted for him but never would consider doing so again. All we need is felony charges and the asshole will be ineligible. Regardless if he runs or not there are so many trump nazi's that will vote for him even if he is not running making it just about impossible for any republican to win.
Your hatred aside there's no denying America was far better off with Trump than with Biden. A booming economy and stock market along with energy independence,low gasoline prices and low inflation compared to what we have now with Biden.

Fucking stupid comment. The entire developed world is suffering from inflation right now and it has nothing to do with Biden. We have lower gas prices than anywhere in Europe, Canada or S America. Inside the next 6 months the USA will smash any and all records for oil production ever. I guess you will have to drop that fucking stupid claim about energy independence huh? We are the worlds #1 oil producer and if a barrel of oil is cheap oil companies here will buy it and morons like you will say we aren't energy independent, prices rise and we blow away everyone when it comes to production. We have been energy independent for decades.
How about this day.

"The day Biden first set foot in the Oval Office a year ago, real GDP was growing at 6.3 percent, inflation was 1.4 percent, the price of gasoline was $2.39 a gallon and Michigan’s consumer sentiment index stood at 79. Today, real growth has slowed to just over 2 percent, inflation is at 7 percent, gas is up to $3.31 a gallon and the Michigan Index is 68.8.

In addition, real wages dropped 2.4 percent over the past year, with inflation overwhelming pay hikes after several years of gains under President Trump. "

Pandemic asshole. The unemployment rate when trump took office was about 4.5% and before he left it shot up to about 14% and when he left it was at about 8%. Yeah the pandemic had a lot to do with that but that same pandemic is what caused the inflation we see today. To think if Trump were president we would not be seeing the same inflation today is something only a fucking ignorant trump supporter could fathom.
Sounds just like Joke Biden to me... He's always coming up with easily detected lies and wild stories about shit in his past. His latest about having cancer and windshields covered in oil slicks is total bullshit. You know when he's shitting you with some totally made up lie of a story too. He says, "It's no joke, man." Or he says, "I'm being serious!" Biden fuller of shit than a 10-year-old septic tank that's never been pumped.

He uses these stories usually to try to sell some political goal or another too. That makes it--by the article's standard--nothing but gaslighting. Worse, when his bullshit is pointed out he becomes angry and vindictive against the person that did it. Joke doesn't like his bullshit questioned...

Biden has had skin cancer and you live around Newark delaware you are going to get a pollution slick on your windshield from surrounding factories under certain conditions.
What in God's name does Jussie Smollet have to do with this thread???????????

Nothing. It's what the Trump Nazi does when they have nothing to refute blatant facts. It's but...but...but then they state some fucking stupid comment that has nothing to do with the subject.
Nothing. It's what the Trump Nazi does when they have nothing to refute blatant facts. It's but...but...but then they state some fucking stupid comment that has nothing to do with the subject.

it goes to a discussion about who's really believing lies and liars.

maybe you're too dumb to see that.

that's probably the case.