Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

You should work on improving yourself, Spaz, instead of spending all day tearing down others. :cool:

Goddamn, man! How many people am I now??? You have guessed at literally dozens of people that I'm supposedly a sock for. Wow. Is this really all you do with your time? Just MAKE WRONG GUESSES AT EVERYTHING?

You are a hoot!

Let's see, I'm Mason, I'm Sybil, I'm Spaz, I'm Joey Two Pies, I'm Dangerbob, I'm a lesbian, I'm 40, I'm 20, I'm 15, I live at home, I'm homeless, I'm mentally ill, I'm unemployed, I'm wasting my employers money, ....god the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

And still you haven't gotten ONE SINGLE THING RIGHT.

How is that?
You think NASA photoshopped it?

More likely, with all the pictures they’ve taken, it’s a random alignment. Just like people see shapes in clouds or constellations.

No, I don't think NASA did it and that question mark shape is too perfect to be some random anomaly.

I think somebody with a home computer and photo editing software did it for fun.

Piece of cake.
No, I don't think NASA did it and that question mark shape is too perfect to be some random anomaly.

I think somebody with a home computer and photo editing software did it for fun.

Piece of cake.
Then secretly uploaded it to the Webb telescope?
Do you chafe? Do you take pictures for your PM lovers?

This is getting hilarious. You are really upset about something aren't even trying to be "creative" (or the analogue thereof for you). Just screeching "retard" at people.

At this rate you'll be in BidenPresident territory soon! Just screeching at people incomprehensibly.
Dude, the fact that you can't recognize that I have more experience in the physical sciences, specifically earth and chemical, than you have then you are seriously under the effect of Dunning-Kruger.

But I also understand you have "friends" on this forum (you've been on it for almost 20 years...kudos!) and you need to maintain your sense that you are so super smart and I'm sure many of the more simple ones on here "buy your line".

But not everyone does. Some of us actually have education and can see you for what you are, poseur.

As you would say: "It is a mute point" (lol)

Obviously you lied about being awarded a glorious geochem PhD because you feel inadequate, and you have no moral boundaries dissuading you from practicing deception.
Obviously you lied about being awarded a glorious geochem PhD because you feel inadequate, and you have no moral boundaries dissuading you from practicing deception.

LOL. I have more than proven myself. I need not impress the likes of you given your general overall lack of scientific background. Cypress, you are an imperious, pompous little prick. I know your kind of man. You aren't worth much.

Other than the ability to buy books off Amazon I've never been able to figure out what your area of "specialization" is in. You have such cursory understanding of so many topics it's hard to imagine that you had the ability to focus on any one thing. You certainly don't have any experience in the sciences.
LOL. I have more than proven myself. I need not impress the likes of you given your general overall lack of scientific background. Cypress, you are an imperious, pompous little prick. I know your kind of man. You aren't worth much.

Other than the ability to buy books off Amazon I've never been able to figure out what your area of "specialization" is in. You have such cursory understanding of so many topics it's hard to imagine that you had the ability to focus on any one thing. You certainly don't have any experience in the sciences.
Incorrect on all counts.

Anyone who thinks freshwater systems are deionized water, or believes that entropy is such an exotic concept nobody but a handful of expert scientists would know about it, is not somebody who was awarded a glorious geochem PhD.

You lied about being Jank. You lied about having a glorious geochem PhD. You constantly have to frantically google for tidbits of technical info, and sprint back here to present it as your own thoughts.

Is the anything you don't lie about?