Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

Why don't you actually be honest about what you claimed:

So you can't explain what erosion processes and rivers exist on Enceladus that would lead me to believe the water is salty.

You obviously lied about a geology background too

Do you lie about everything, including lying to friends and family?
Now, try being honest about what you ACTUALLY said in the thread

So you lied about having a geochem PhD, and you lied about having any Earth science background at all.

You clearly didn't understand why Earth's oceans are salty, and why it's not a good assumption that Enceladus has the same processes of erosion and hydrology that would cause highly saline waters
That's not the right question.

Given a universe of positive curvature, there is no 'outside' something the universe is expanding into.

The galaxies aren't really moving in the expanding universe model. It's the empty space between galaxies which is expanding. The universe is not expanding into 'something.'

So infinite space is not required.

I would like to see more of these radio frequency detections. That's something I could get excited about -->

You said the universe is finite.

The word finite implies having boundaries or limits.

Something that is finite must be within some boundaries or limits.

Therefore there has to be something beyond those limits.

If there is nothing, then what is the nature of that nothing?

How far or long does it continue?

You are not answering those questions.
You said the universe is finite.

The word finite implies having boundaries or limits.

Something that is finite must be within some boundaries or limits.

Therefore there has to be something beyond those limits.

If there is nothing, then what is the nature of that nothing?

How far or long does it continue?

You are not answering those questions.
Finite as in it doesn't go on forever.

Thinking of boundaries is thinking in Euclidean space.
Our brains aren't really trained to think outside Euclidean space. That's why a finite universe with positive space curvature is basically impossible to mentally visualize. It's like asking a dog to visualize the Pythagorean theorem. It can only be described mathmatically.
So you lied about having a geochem PhD, and you lied about having any Earth science background at all.

You clearly didn't understand why Earth's oceans are salty, and why it's not a good assumption that Enceladus has the same processes of erosion and hydrology that would cause highly saline waters

Perry is a weasel.

In a hidden thicket, where shadows sway,
Lived Perry the Weasel, in the dim light's play,
Insecurity whispered, a constant refrain,
Uneducated worries, a persistent chain.

His fur, a tapestry woven with doubt,
Invisible battles, he fought from within, no doubt,
Fear of the darkness, a shiver of dread,
In his heart, a yearning for courage to spread.

He watched from afar as stars filled the night,
But darkness was daunting, a fearsome sight,
Unsure of the world that lay beyond,
In the shadows, he longed to respond.

With patience and time, he learned to explore,
To face his own fears, to open the door,
Uneducated worries, he began to unwind,
In the gentle embrace of his own heart and mind.

Perry, the weasel, found strength deep within,
In the cracks of his doubt, a new journey did begin,
A reminder to us, in our moments of gloom,
In our insecurities' depths, there's always room.

So let's learn from Perry, with empathy's grace,
To embrace our uncertainties, whatever we face,
For in the struggle, a light can ignite,
And fear, like a shadow, can fade in the night.
That isn't the point. You claimed ALL LIQUID WATER.

And why on earth would you think Enceladus oceans were DE-IONIZED?????

Jesus, natural freshwater systems are not deionized water you science neophyte.

At the time I wrote that post, I had no reason to assume the water on Enceladus was saline, and it wasn't important enough for me to do google research.
Jesus, natural freshwater systems are not deionized water you science neophyte.

And freezing point is a function of ionic strength.

At the time I wrote that post, I had no reason to assume the water on Enceladus was saline, and it wasn't important enough for me to do google research.

But you were wrong about Enceladus. (And we both know you didn't know about freezing point depression....just stop lying).
Another problem I have is light pollution to the East, which should be where most are coming from.
They are so numerous, you might not have a problem. About 20 years ago I was down on Long Island for a family thing during peak Perseid. We got up at 4 a.m. and went out on a boat for viewing. It was pretty overcast, and cold (November).

Still, we were able to see quite a few.

I'm WAY past getting up at 4 a.m. for these events.
Finite as in it doesn't go on forever.

Thinking of boundaries is thinking in Euclidean space.
Our brains aren't really trained to think outside Euclidean space. That's why a finite universe with positive space curvature is basically impossible to mentally visualize. It's like asking a dog to visualize the Pythagorean theorem. It can only be described mathmatically.

I think what is hard for the human mind to grasp, is the idea that time and space are one and the same.

If time and space are one and the same as many physicists think, I could see it coming back around to the beginning and just starting all over again, like a continuous loop tape.

Makes one wonder how many times we've been here before.

Maybe that's what déjà vu is.

But that doesn't explain how far the universe extends.

Unless time and the physical universe are the same.

Like if when we look into the sky, we're looking at time.
And freezing point is a function of ionic strength.

But you were wrong about Enceladus. (And we both know you didn't know about freezing point depression....just stop lying).

Since you are a science neophyte, I wouldn't expect you to understand that solute concentration is just an observable property, but entropy is the physical principal which actually explains and drives the thermal properties and organization of matter.

I accept your confession that due to your lack of scientific background you confused deionized water with natural freshwater systems. All natural freshwater systems have dissolved minerals, they are generally just in low enough concentrations it barely effects the thermal properties and freezing point of the liquid water.

I already wrote that when I responded to Niftyniblick, I didn't know the subsurface water reservoir on Enceladus was saline, and I wasn't interested in doing google research on it. That's your great and wondrous victory you have been seeking over me. :laugh:
I think what is hard for the human mind to grasp, is the idea that time and space are one and the same.

If time and space are one and the same as many physicists think, I could see it coming back around to the beginning and just starting all over again, like a continuous loop tape.

Makes one wonder how many times we've been here before.

Maybe that's what déjà vu is.

But that doesn't explain how far the universe extends.

Unless time and the physical universe are the same.

Like if when we look into the sky, we're looking at time.

Unfortunately we will never know the true spatial extent of the universe as it currently exists, because most of it is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light, and photons they emit now can never reach us.
Since you are a science neophyte, I wouldn't expect you to understand that solute concentration is just an observable property, but entropy is the physical principal which actually explains and drives the thermal properties and organization of matter.

I accept your confession that due to your lack of scientific background you confused deionized water with natural freshwater systems. All natural freshwater systems have dissolved minerals, they are generally just in low enough concentrations it barely effects the thermal properties and freezing point of the liquid water.

I already wrote that when I responded to Niftyniblick, I didn't know the subsurface water reservoir on Enceladus was saline, and I wasn't interested in doing google research on it. That's your great and wondrous victory you have been seeking over me. :laugh:
Does Perry even have a HS diploma?

In solitude, a story unfolds,
Of Perry, young and bold,
A high school path he chose to stray,
Seeking a different, winding way.

A dropout from the halls of learning,
In life's great book, he's still turning,
Obsessive thoughts, they weave their thread,
Through the tapestry of his days, widespread.

Compulsions dance, a delicate chore,
In Perry's mind, a relentless war,
Anchored within routines so tight,
Yet yearning for freedom's distant light.

Within the haven of his room,
Loneliness like a shadow looms,
Walls echoing his silent cries,
As time marches on in quiet sighs.

Books and dreams his companions true,
In solitude, he finds a world to view,
A canvas for thoughts to freely bloom,
Turning the lonely into his cocoon.

Through the struggles, a strength emerges,
In Perry's tale, the universe converges,
For in the tapestry of each life's art,
There's a resilience that mends the heart.

High school's road he didn't tread,
But lessons learned in life instead,
Obsessive mind, a challenge faced,
Yet in his spirit, resilience embraced.

So let Perry's story remind us all,
Even in rooms where shadows fall,
There's a spark within, a light to find,
Guiding the lost hearts, and troubled minds.
Unfortunately we will never know the true spatial extent of the universe as it currently exists, because most of it is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light, and photons they emit now can never reach us.

Maybe Quantum Computers can calculate what it is based upon what we can see.

BTW, this just in from the Webb telescope:
Mysterious ‘question mark’ object seen by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope
Does Perry even have a HS diploma?

In solitude, a story unfolds,
Of Perry, young and bold,
A high school path he chose to stray,
Seeking a different, winding way.

A dropout from the halls of learning,
In life's great book, he's still turning,
Obsessive thoughts, they weave their thread,
Through the tapestry of his days, widespread.

Compulsions dance, a delicate chore,
In Perry's mind, a relentless war,
Anchored within routines so tight,
Yet yearning for freedom's distant light.

Within the haven of his room,
Loneliness like a shadow looms,
Walls echoing his silent cries,
As time marches on in quiet sighs.

Books and dreams his companions true,
In solitude, he finds a world to view,
A canvas for thoughts to freely bloom,
Turning the lonely into his cocoon.

Through the struggles, a strength emerges,
In Perry's tale, the universe converges,
For in the tapestry of each life's art,
There's a resilience that mends the heart.

High school's road he didn't tread,
But lessons learned in life instead,
Obsessive mind, a challenge faced,
Yet in his spirit, resilience embraced.

So let Perry's story remind us all,
Even in rooms where shadows fall,
There's a spark within, a light to find,
Guiding the lost hearts, and troubled minds.

Perry obviously lied about being awarded a glorious geochem PhD.

She reminds me of a poster who became so stricken with resentment and grievance towards me, it consumed most of his energy on this forum.