Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend

Maybe Quantum Computers can calculate what it is based upon what we can see.

BTW, this just in from the Webb telescope:
Mysterious ‘question mark’ object seen by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

JWT optics need some calibration!

The part of the universe we can currently observe is only a small fraction of the universe in totality. I really don't know enough about quantum computing to know how they could model the spatial geometry of the universe in totality.
Perry obviously lied about being awarded a glorious geochem PhD.

She reminds me of a poster who became so stricken with resentment and grievance towards me, it consumed most of his energy on this forum.

Perry is simply jealous of anyone with a higher education and obsessively seeks to one-up all those with a college degree.
We went out on Saturday night, I think I saw like 70 meteorites in an hour... at least it seemed like that many. I always love it when they sometimes come in different colors too. LOL
JWT optics need some calibration!

The part of the universe we can currently observe is only a small fraction of the universe in totality. I really don't know enough about quantum computing to know how they could model the spatial geometry of the universe in totality.
I watched a short bit about it yesterday on Zakaria's GPS.

Well above my pay grade, but it appears to be a quantum leap in computing....pun intended. :)

It may well be able to handle the calculations. I'm presuming GIGO rules still apply. A main part of the interview was how quantum computing will affect AI.
We went out on Saturday night, I think I saw like 70 meteorites in an hour... at least it seemed like that many. I always love it when they sometimes come in different colors too. LOL

We had some cloud cover and fog, so I hope we can enjoy the show next year
Since you are a science neophyte, I wouldn't expect you to understand that solute concentration is just an observable property, but entropy is the physical principal which actually explains and drives the thermal properties and organization of matter.

I accept your confession that due to your lack of scientific background you confused deionized water with natural freshwater systems. All natural freshwater systems have dissolved minerals, they are generally just in low enough concentrations it barely effects the thermal properties and freezing point of the liquid water.

I already wrote that when I responded to Niftyniblick, I didn't know the subsurface water reservoir on Enceladus was saline, and I wasn't interested in doing google research on it. That's your great and wondrous victory you have been seeking over me. :laugh:

Good googlin' there son.
Good googlin' there son.
No, it's basic sophomore undergraduate science knowledge. Your utter lack of scientific education just makes you think this is exotic information one could only acquire by frantic googling.

Since you are a science neophyte who lied about having a glorious geochem PhD, I wouldn't expect you to recognize the distinction between mere observation and fundamental scientific principle.
Apples fall from trees. Saline water had higher concentrations of mineral solutes --> mere observation.

The fundamental physical explanatory principles for gravity and phase changes of aqueous solutions are curved spacetime, and entropy respectively.
No, it's basic sophomore undergraduate science knowledge. Your utter lack of scientific education just makes you think this is exotic information one could only acquire by frantic googling.

Since you are a science neophyte who lied about having a glorious geochem PhD, I wouldn't expect you to recognize the distinction between mere observation and fundamental scientific principle.
Apples fall from trees. Saline water had higher concentrations of mineral solutes --> mere observation.

The fundamental physical explanatory principles for gravity and phase changes of aqueous solutions are curved spacetime, and entropy respectively.

It's so sweet when you overcompensate and reveal exactly how much "frantic googling" you do all the time.
I am curious why you felt a need to lie your flabby ass off about having a science PhD?

Just because YOU didn't know basic high school chemistry is not my problem, Cypress. Don't beat yourself up or try to tapdance. Not everyone knows everything. Sheesh, even an autodidact like yourself should know that.

Your ego knows no bounds. Or you are the most insecure little pompous fuck to wander onto the stage. Either way: GROW THE FUCK UP and learn how to deal with DISAGREEMENTS.

Your simpleton's lack of technical detail keeps showing through. You are at best a "dilletante" in the sciences and philosophy. And it shows when your areas of ignorance pop to the surface. Don't worry, everyone has limits. You moreso than many.
Just because YOU didn't know basic high school chemistry is not my problem, Cypress. Don't beat yourself up or try to tapdance. Not everyone knows everything. Sheesh, even an autodidact like yourself should know that.

Your ego knows no bounds. Or you are the most insecure little pompous fuck to wander onto the stage. Either way: GROW THE FUCK UP and learn how to deal with DISAGREEMENTS.

Your simpleton's lack of technical detail keeps showing through. You are at best a "dilletante" in the sciences and philosophy. And it shows when your areas of ignorance pop to the surface. Don't worry, everyone has limits. You moreso than many.

Oh, I touched a nerve there.

Explain the motivation for going on an obscure message board and lying to people you don't know and will never meet that you were awarded a glorious geochem PhD.
Oh, I touched a nerve there.

Explain the motivation for going on an obscure message board and lying to people you don't know and will never meet that you were awarded a glorious geochem PhD.

Dude, the fact that you can't recognize that I have more experience in the physical sciences, specifically earth and chemical, than you have then you are seriously under the effect of Dunning-Kruger.

But I also understand you have "friends" on this forum (you've been on it for almost 20 years...kudos!) and you need to maintain your sense that you are so super smart and I'm sure many of the more simple ones on here "buy your line".

But not everyone does. Some of us actually have education and can see you for what you are, poseur.

As you would say: "It is a mute point" (lol)
Maybe Quantum Computers can calculate what it is based upon what we can see.

BTW, this just in from the Webb telescope:
Mysterious ‘question mark’ object seen by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

JWT optics need some calibration!

The part of the universe we can currently observe is only a small fraction of the universe in totality. I really don't know enough about quantum computing to know how they could model the spatial geometry of the universe in totality.

Photoshop is such a wonderful thing!!! I love it.

My favorite all time computer application.

One can have so much fun with it!!! :thup:
Photoshop is such a wonderful thing!!! I love it.

My favorite all time computer application.

One can have so much fun with it!!! :thup:
You think NASA photoshopped it?

More likely, with all the pictures they’ve taken, it’s a random alignment. Just like people see shapes in clouds or constellations.
Oh, I touched a nerve there.

Explain the motivation for going on an obscure message board and lying to people you don't know and will never meet that you were awarded a glorious geochem PhD.

He’s also very sensitive about the word “retard” just like Matt S.
MOST decent people think the word is offensive these days, Grandpa.
You aren’t a decent person, Perry. You’re a well known liar and troll. The fact you are so upset by “retard” reminds me of Matt Stefanowiz(?), the Polish Retard known as Spaz.

He was a 30something like you who will never move out of his parent’s house.
You aren’t a decent person, Perry. You’re a well known liar and troll. The fact you are so upset by “retard” reminds me of Matt Stefanowiz(?), the Polish Retard known as Spaz.

He was a 30something like you who will never move out of his parent’s house.

I love how you can't mock the disabled enough. You really are like Trump