Pete Hegseth confirmation hearing

What type of military does this clown want, that's does not follow lawful orders?!! What about discipline, order and rules that must be followed?!! If they confirm this dip-shit, then they might as well confirm all the rest of Trump's crackpot picks too?!!
Fuck you asshole. You supported the assassination of your president elect so, fuck you!
No doubt, Tedious.

About 45 minutes in and Pete turned partisan ugly by whining about the "left wing media" and their failure to print all of his quotes.

He gave lip service to unity and then became divisive.

Regardless of the drivel the drones here spew, it's undeniable that the Republican Party boasts some real talent. What a stark contrast, one side is brimming with hateful, bitter responses, only capable of hurling accusations of imperfection as if they're remotely qualified to pass judgment on anyone. These hateful losers are generally completely unqualified to represent the people by responsibly upholding the Constitution as they're suppose to in every action they take. It's a joke! All they do is attack the Constitution and concoct scams that line their own pockets, which is how they all become multi-millionaires overnight. It's irrelevant now; they've been exposed and are disintegrating right before our eyes. If the Republicans do what they should, push every nominee through, and pass ONE BIG BILL, they will annihilate the libtard drones.
Mr. Tiny Penis is a raging leftie who threatened to shoot Republicans that disagree with him and he is infected with the worst case of TDS on this forum.
Oh yes, as I have thoroughly enjoyed ruining more than one of his nights. lol, He even turned me in on RULE 16 lol. I was corrected and now I know the right way to get away with it. It's funny, he's been quiet for a bit, but just now responded to one of my comments. Oh No...
Oh yes, as I have thoroughly enjoyed ruining more than one of his nights. lol, He even turned me in on RULE 16 lol. I was corrected and now I know the right way to get away with it. It's funny, he's been quiet for a bit, but just now responded to one of my comments. Oh No...

How many times do you think the coward has squealed on me? (I'll lend you my calculator)
OMG he was hilarious! He's sweating bullets up there.
Is that what you are being told by the people who tell you what to believe?

I'm actually watching the hearings. Hegseth is calm, cool and collected. He's had solid responses for all the "gotcha!" questions.
Oh yes, as I have thoroughly enjoyed ruining more than one of his nights. lol, He even turned me in on RULE 16 lol. I was corrected and now I know the right way to get away with it. It's funny, he's been quiet for a bit, but just now responded to one of my comments. Oh No...
Mr. Tiny Penis is a self confessed snitch.
What type of military does this clown want, that's does not follow lawful orders?!! What about discipline, order and rules that must be followed?!! If they confirm this dip-shit, then they might as well confirm all the rest of Trump's crackpot picks too?!!
He wants what Trump wants: a military that is loyal to Pedo Don, not the Constitution.
Fuck you asshole. You support a draft-dodging, adulterous pedophile and oath-breaking traitor for president.
Mr. Tiny Penis is a raging leftie who threatened to shoot Republicans that disagree with him and he is infected with the worst case of TDS on this forum.
Mr. Tiny Penis is a raging leftie who threatened to shoot Republicans that disagree with him and he is infected with the worst case of TDS on this forum...

...and more concerned with men sucking other men's cocks.