Picture Thread

I remember the movie, but it takes a good memory to remember they had a different car each episode! My family loved the show. My mother thought Efrem was cute! Stephanie his daughter starred in a series with Pierce Brosnan, can someone help me with the name, please. I loved him then, I love him now!
You mean Stephanie Zimbalist Jr. LOL
You mean Stephanie Zimbalist Jr. LOL

Spot on. I was running up the stairs and the front of my flip flop caught the lip on a stair and I landed squarely on my nose.

The drawing is a self portrait, but the fact that it is in this picture with virtually the same expression as mine was pure coincidence.


'65-'74, with Efrem Zimbalist Jr. It was a Sunday night family classic.


We watched Mutual of Omaha's "Wild Kingdom" and then "Disney" or it may have been in reverse order??? Then it was to bed...a deprived childhood I know. My parents acually made us play outside unless it was raining...TV on the weekends was Saturday morning cartoons and then chores and then out to play. Sunday was church, play outside, bath, those 2 shows, and then to bed...sometimes on a rare occasion we could watch westerns with my folks.