Pinheads Frustrated Cons Aren't Crawling in Hole!

That is because you dont understand that banning all guns is not the same as gun control.
No one is going to ban all guns.
oh, i see you're method. if you ban all guns save one single shot musket, you've satisfied the 2nd Amendment. BS.

The country has determined that gun control laws are prefectly within the countrys laws including the constitution.
That is what this countries laws say.
and they are not in line with the constitution. they are wrong, thus invalid and repugnant to the constitution. Hence, Marbury v. Madison applies and all laws repugnant to the constitution are not to be obeyed.

You dont get to interpret the constitution.
yes i do. especially since WE THE PEOPLE wrote it.

You are wrong.
I am right.
This country has never and will never depend on YOUR interpitation fo the constiutution.

You dont get to deside for all of us how it is interpreted.
You are the one claiming you are the sole desider of how the constitution is interpreted fella.

You are not the majority.
NO one is going to ban guns outright.

I would take up arms with you if the Scotus desided it that way as would the vast majority of Americnas.
im so happy to know, however, that if our government tramples our freedoms, Desh will be there in the trenches with the freedom fighters. I will sleep better tonight.

during the Marshall Court (1801–1836), which declared the Court to be the supreme arbiter of the Constitution (see Marbury v. Madison) and made several important rulings which gave shape and substance to the constitutional balance of power between the federal government (referred to at the time as the "general government") and the states.

That's all well and good, but I can still issue any order I please, to anyone.