Pitbull Question


JPP Modarater
My foster group got a list of a bunch of pitbull fosters. I'm tempted to take one, but I'm scared it will flip out on me. Besides Rob, has anyone had any problems with them flipping out and biting them?

After the last mean dog I had, I'm pretty scared to get a dog that can actually hurt me.
Yeah we know what rob will say ;)

My recommendation is to avoid the pits.
Some are ok, but a foster one would be more prone to be unstable.
And with any dog they can tell if you are afraid of them and that alone can trigger problems.
They can be sweet if reared with love from the time they're pups. USC is right, though, any dog finding itself homeless may come with baggage, some more than others. And the pits seem to have more than most.

The biggest problem with them is that they're unpredictable. Because you don't know their history, including their breeding and rearing as puppies, the risks of having an unstable, perhaps abused dog that may retaliate seemingly without provocation are far higher. I think that these dogs are better kept in those foster homes that have a great deal of experience with this particular breed. People who know what to look out for and how to deal with it.

I know a couple who have four of them, and they're great dogs. But that's due to the love and care they get from their family.
Rob doesn't have a real pitbull. he has a half pit. Much much different. Pit bulls are very loving dogs but are breed to have a very vicious side to them and I would be VERY hesitant to take a pit foster. Best thing is to ask the foster place lots of questions like if when giving shots to the dog if it snips.. etc.
My foster group got a list of a bunch of pitbull fosters. I'm tempted to take one, but I'm scared it will flip out on me. Besides Rob, has anyone had any problems with them flipping out and biting them?

After the last mean dog I had, I'm pretty scared to get a dog that can actually hurt me.

Not with a pit pup... but yes, I damn near had my knee ripped off by one of those deranged dogs. It bit me as the owner of the dog conveniently put me between the charging dog and her.
They can be sweet if reared with love from the time they're pups. USC is right, though, any dog finding itself homeless may come with baggage, some more than others. And the pits seem to have more than most.

The biggest problem with them is that they're unpredictable. Because you don't know their history, including their breeding and rearing as puppies, the risks of having an unstable, perhaps abused dog that may retaliate seemingly without provocation are far higher. I think that these dogs are better kept in those foster homes that have a great deal of experience with this particular breed. People who know what to look out for and how to deal with it.

I know a couple who have four of them, and they're great dogs. But that's due to the love and care they get from their family.

Yeah, actually right after I posted this, I decided not to foster one.
Not with a pit pup... but yes, I damn near had my knee ripped off by one of those deranged dogs. It bit me as the owner of the dog conveniently put me between the charging dog and her.

Dude, I'd have sued that B1tch.
Avoid it.

I've heard too many stories about the great loving pit bull who one day freaked out and killed the family child. It's not the owners fault like all the pit activists claim. the dogs are unstable.
they are outlawed in many cities for a reason. I wouldn't do it, especially not if you have young kids in your neighborhood.
Dude, I'd have sued that B1tch.

My parents did. As did the parents of the other three that bastard bit. But after she lost in court, she immediately filed for bankruptcy protection. Despite living in one of the plushest neighborhoods in KC.
My foster group got a list of a bunch of pitbull fosters. I'm tempted to take one, but I'm scared it will flip out on me. Besides Rob, has anyone had any problems with them flipping out and biting them?

After the last mean dog I had, I'm pretty scared to get a dog that can actually hurt me.

My pitbull was an utter bitch whenever she was a puppy. She bit me tons and barked like nothing else in the world. Since she's grown up she only growls every time you get within five feet of her though, and rarely launches into you growling and threatening to bite and annoying me for hours on end as I try to get away from her.

I lover her. :)

But I think she's a mutt, so with a pit bull you'd probably have an even better experience.
Avoid it.

I've heard too many stories about the great loving pit bull who one day freaked out and killed the family child. It's not the owners fault like all the pit activists claim. the dogs are unstable.

And those stories you heard were the only time it has ever happened. I assure you, everytime it has ever happened with any dog ever it has made the international news. You're anecdotal evidence, in light of that, is absolutely meaningless.
they are outlawed in many cities for a reason. I wouldn't do it, especially not if you have young kids in your neighborhood.

They re outlawed in many cities because of the recent sensationalist news coverage about them that puts the risk of owning any dog far out of proportion to reality. She is more likely to struck by lightning as she has a heart attack because of a congenial defect that her cocaine use is aggravating than she is to die from any dog.
We had a pit puppy. He could be a sweet, loving dog. But he could also go after strangers like he was a vicious beast.

We ended up having him put down after he went after the landlord. And he had played with the landlord on previous occasions.

I think its mainly the result of bad breeding. But the dogs were bred to fight. You can no more change that than you can change a lab's desire to retrieve.
Go back to them then Epi. Any moron who thinks its "just about the breeding" is probably a racist deep down. Eugenics is an idiotic concept.

He's talking about DOGS.

Dogs have been bred for thousands of years into specific roles. We have slowly domesticated them to perform a variety of tasks like protecting and retrieving. A Golden Retriever HAS BEEN BRED to retrieve. There is nothing racist about that.