Please Boycott Virginia Until Northam Resigns....

This happened 34 years ago, and N's behavior since then has been fine.

The race hustlers on the left need to look up present-ism as do those on the right.
Bulletin: People do dumb things in college.

If he had dressed up as an Indian or Ninja, would that have been just as bad?


As I am consistent, I think it is stupid to judge him on one act in college.

I know why the left is pointing the guns at him. They don’t want to they just can’t afford not to politically. If they didn’t they would lose their ability to call republicans racist

We are setting dangerous precedents here

People need to stop all the virtue signaling. I find his stance on abortion more troubling than some black face paint
I wouldn't call trying to kill babies good behavior.

You're not responsible for killing babies, just because you support freedom, and choice. People act like Democrats enjoy these things, when really it's all about freedom. Freedom means someone is going to do something that pisses you off, and if it's not illegal you just take the hit on the chin. Of course these late term abortions probably should be illegal. It's like most issues though, and both end up pushing the extreme in a tug a war fashion. As it stands I don't think either side is right on the issue, because they keep getting ridiculous about it.
Killing babies is not good;( at Six weeks...or Twelve weeks....or 24 weeks or just prior to or after birth. It's the same baby....
I have no more use for the "shit can" crew than for the "we love racism" crew.

There is presentism at work here, and I don't support it.
This happened 34 years ago, and N's behavior since then has been fine.

The race hustlers on the left need to look up present-ism as do those on the right.

I know your mind does not work well, but your comment is really stupid.

do you think its stupid because you approve of abortion after birth?......
Irrelevant, although you think it is OK for mothers to die in child birth.

The rightys should have the power over everyone's lives and whether they have to have a child they cannot afford or raise. They are pro birth. Your rights and ability to determine one of the biggest events in your life, is none of your business.