Please Boycott Virginia Until Northam Resigns....

How do you think his racist views affected Blacks in the medical profession?

See, people laugh this off as racism 30 years ago, but we have laws, rules and regulations made 30 years ago that discriminate against Blacks.

How do we know he didn't watch a Black man get lynched 30 years ago?

I don't agree that Northam did any of these things, but, I'm happy to stand on the sidelines while you pillage him.

What has he done recently that is racist?

His record shows he is now interested in equality.

We should have forgiveness.

You always want to give racist a pass.

Racist whites don't show Blacks any forgiveness

YOU can forgive you're oppressor...…...oh wait...…..nvm.
he needs to resign

He has lost the consent of his governed

the people don't trust his judgement

for the sake of his state and its people

he needs to go

Its the only decent thing he can do

But that would put a black guy in the governor's mansion.
Not sure a racist is going to be up for that.
What a fuckin hypocrite.
You were the same asshole that criticized Kavanaugh for getting drunk while in high school some 40 years ago.
You were destroying Kavanaugh for something that never happened. You were destroying him for getting drunk in high school.
There is no evidence that he was an alcoholic but the liberals tried to bring him down.
Fuckin hypocrites.

I agree with you. What he did as a teenager is no reflection of the person now.
We have all done stupid things in high school.

I’m pro choice but against late term abortion.
I feel the Governor decision to allow late term abortion is wrong. His statements in his interview were just stupid.
....or at least Northern Virginia. They are the fuckers that keep nominating and then electing the sorriest possible candidates they can find. :(

No person should be held responsible for their college aged stupidities short of rape or murder. People mature and most change. If your offended by the Governor's year book, vote him out next election. First watch carefully what his actions and agendas are until then. This outrage over the Governor's year book is as stupid as the attempted crucifixion of Justice Kavanaugh over his year book. Holier than thou accusers are most likely the worst offenders of youthful stupidity.
No person should be held responsible for their college aged stupidities short of rape or murder. People mature and most change. If your offended by the Governor's year book, vote him out next election. First watch carefully what his actions and agendas are until then. This outrage over the Governor's year book is as stupid as the attempted crucifixion of Justice Kavanaugh over his year book. Holier than thou accusers are most likely the worst offenders of youthful stupidity.

Strange because President Bone Spurs has been fairly well criticized for that college-aged stupidity of draft dodging.