Poet melting down (again)

No. But the point is, whatever problems I have with some of the stuff Poet posts, and I do have problems with some of it, the fact is that you have free in here every day saying something directly to women. Not about them, to them. And not a word. So while Free is busy posting about my vagina, and no one says shit, how seriously am I supposed to take the newfound Con outrage over misogyny? Sorry, but you guys don't have much credibility on it. And it's not directed at you, it's about all of you who keep caterwauling over poet's misogyny. I just don't have any interest in it. If I see him say something that really bothers me, I'll say something. I have before. I don't need a bunch of conservative men putting on their cyber "ERA or bust" shirts everytime poet posts...funny they never seem to be wearing them when Free posts.

As much as you keep mentioning me, one would think that you're stalking me.
However, to be fair...poet should stop with the personal "your mama" shit. He should ignore USF who is completely, 100% irredeemable, and also definitely a stone cold racist who also loves to gay bash poet. Forget him.

I think most others he could have dialog with if he were to try. I mean, he goes way overboard. I have to be honest.

Show a single post of mine, where I "gay bashed" Poet.
Show a single post of mine, where I've been "racist".

That is; unless this is just about you getting attention (again).
Ah, more projection, on your part. See, you all love to make it the other guy's fault, while bearing absolutely none of the responsibility yourself. Fine. I know some people like that. And I avoid them like the plague. You think it's me. It very well may be. But guess who went down in the gutter with me, and got fleas?

So you admit you've been acting like you were in the gutter and thanks for warning us that you have fleas.