Poet melting down (again)

Probably because in a just world Patron would be priced in its actual group. Mid grade tequila, barely above mixer only tequila like Cuervo. You want good stuff try Tres Generaciones or Don Julio.

ok I will agree with this. It's not as elite as it presents itself.
Patron is the Blue Label of tequila. Good, but way over priced, with better alternatives for a cheaper price (Cazadores, 1800, Etc.)
I slapped a man once in my whole life, I will never forget it. I was only about 24? Me and my friend were at the Savoy and apparently a guy grabbed her ass, which I did not see. She got really mad and threw a drink in his face which I did see. We were walking towards the stairs. He pushed her and she fell down the stairs. I remember I was in total shock (male violence was not in my family). I turned, without thinking, infuriated, and slapped him across the face. I will never forget it was like slow motion he pulled his fist back and I realized he was going to punch me and I had a microsecond to think of broken teeth and a man behind me literally grabbed his arm in mid air.

Do you know he actually said "she hit me first"? LOL The other guy said, i don't care no one hits a woman when I'm around. I'm sure he also saw the guy shove my friend down a flight of stairs. Then the bouncers came running, it got totally crazy, I had to make sure my friend was okay, and I never got to thank that guy. I never forgot him though!

The guy could have killed your friend, pushing her downstairs, and then winding up to let you have it. This was self-defense, not gratuitous violence.
Yeah. If Mt. Rainier blew, about 50,000 - 100,000 people would drown/be crushed in lahars. Whoever built Renton, Puyallup, and other high population communities around the mountain were idiots.

Thankfully, it probably won't happen in my lifetime, so it's somebody else's problem. :)

Right.so Carlos Spicy Weiner, had no business calling Texas stupid, and implying that I was, as the region is known as "Cascadia", having nothing to do with secession.
Crap? As in insults and personal attacks? Right. In lieu of debate. Let's not even talk about the right being morally, fiscally, ethically and intellectually "bankrupt". Are you serious? A "war on women"????? Repealing the Equal Pay Act????? And most of you have wives and girlfriends. How the fuck do they let you get away with that Neanderthal bs? I bet if they withheld the coochie, you change your "tunes", quick fast and in a hurry. Mitt Romney is a pussy. He flip flops more than a New Orleans whore. And he doesn't give a fuck about your poor ass. That's right, I said, "your poor ass"....because nobody, up in here, has any money to speak of. All of your asses are "working stiffs", and are living "paycheck to paycheck"...and if you have any disposable income, you don't mention it, lest you get heat from being a one percenter, the lowest, most selfish scum on Earth. And they're in bed with the insurance companies, Wall St., the Republican Congress, the Koch Bros., and the fucking lobbyists who are willing to give "kickbacks" to congressmen who are willing to blunt the laws which prevent moral debauchery, and not above "raping your ass", of monies, freedom, and rights. Whose side are you really on?
And the mf'ing Tea Party, populated by the most retarded and in-bred of you, talking about taking the country back, and you can't even read the mf'ing Constitution, let alone, understand what it says.
Seeing a boogie man behind every street corner, and mosque..you pussies. And you mf'ing fake Christians, who neither follow the teaching expressed in the Bible, but ready to point a quick finger at folks whom you think are lesser than your ass....gays, lesbians, Gentiles, Jews, Muslims, people of color, and the like. Christ, himself, would cast you into the eternal flames, for hypocrisy, lying, cheating, stealing, whore mongering, debauchery, hate, discrimination, and general evil. Y'all some sick mf'ers.
And you mf'ers lost the goddamn presidential election in 2008, and a black man took office, and tried to do some good, despite claims and calls to the contrary...all set to undermine his presidency for the sheer audacity of actually winning the election from a white man and bimbette. Never to be forgiven for the insult. Get over it. And get ready for four more years. Now, debate that.
