Poet melting down (again)

I slapped a man once in my whole life, I will never forget it. I was only about 24? Me and my friend were at the Savoy and apparently a guy grabbed her ass, which I did not see. She got really mad and threw a drink in his face which I did see. We were walking towards the stairs. He pushed her and she fell down the stairs. I remember I was in total shock (male violence was not in my family). I turned, without thinking, infuriated, and slapped him across the face. I will never forget it was like slow motion he pulled his fist back and I realized he was going to punch me and I had a microsecond to think of broken teeth and a man behind me literally grabbed his arm in mid air.

Do you know he actually said "she hit me first"? LOL The other guy said, i don't care no one hits a woman when I'm around. I'm sure he also saw the guy shove my friend down a flight of stairs. Then the bouncers came running, it got totally crazy, I had to make sure my friend was okay, and I never got to thank that guy. I never forgot him though!

that's different, the guy was an asshole first so deserved whatever he got.
Walk a mile in my shoes, and then say that.

The bottom line is Poet needs to chill out. I'm certain everyone agrees with that, whether they admit it or not. Some weed would do him good.

And some crack would do wonders for your penchant towards "illusions of grandeur". Chill out? Bitch, please. Tell that to your mother.
Forgive me for not feeling so kumbayah.
Here's a story for you, Poet. In high school, my uncle Richard was beat up regularly by a gang of black thugs. The school did nothing about it. In fact, they even defended the black thugs. And yet my uncle grew up to be a well balanced individual who bears no hatred for anyone. He even adopted a black child.

I'd be willing to bet you haven't faced anything like that in your lifetime. But even if you have, it's no excuse. We choose what kind of people we become. Being gay, black, and liberal is no fucking excuse for being a complete asshole. Sorry, but it just isn't.
Oh, I'm way past being Pollyanna. I'm the worst nightmare. I'm an n-word, with intelligence and attitude. And nobody here can tell me it's unjustified. What the hell do you mean, regardless if I'm right to do so or not? Who is to tell me otherwise? You?


Right. But you have no problem, whining and bitching and moaning about me, my rhetoric, and my posts. Attacks from all sides, everyday, since my arrival, until now. You would have cracked like the pussy you are, the first month. But no one bitches at you because you're white, supposedly heterosexual, and is it Libertarian...I forget. Rather I don't care.
Right. But you have no problem, whining and bitching and moaning about me, my rhetoric, and my posts. Attacks from all sides, everyday, since my arrival, until now. You would have cracked like the pussy you are, the first month. But no one bitches at you because you're white, supposedly heterosexual, and is it Libertarian...I forget. Rather I don't care.

I'm actually pretty liberal, had you taken the time to get to know me. I'm pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and pro-safety net. I favor progressive taxation, and I feel climate change is a big deal. I'm pro-cap and trade; so were most Republicans at one time, until the Democrats supported it. I hate partisan bullshit.

As for being white, you just assumed I'm white. You never bothered to ask.

It's true that you were unfairly attacked right off the bat by a few people. But you chose to go into defensive mode against people who had nothing to do with that. That's not my problem.
Here's a story for you, Poet. In high school, my uncle Richard was beat up regularly by a gang of black thugs. The school did nothing about it. In fact, they even defended the black thugs. And yet my uncle grew up to be a well balanced individual who bears no hatred for anyone. He even adopted a black child.

I'd be willing to bet you haven't faced anything like that in your lifetime. But even if you have, it's no excuse. We choose what kind of people we become. Being gay, black, and liberal is no fucking excuse for being a complete asshole. Sorry, but it just isn't.

And my take is you haven't seen "asshole", yet. If you think that this is me, being an asshole, you're in for a rude awakening, in the real world.
That story is very Waaaaambulance.
I fucking trained a white supervisor, who was "registered" to my "certified", on my job, and once he got his bearings, started working on me....for 2 and half years, leading to my illegal dismissal, and my winning unemployment on appeal, based on my documentation. And to show you how karma works, the hospital fired him, a year later. God ain't that fond of pretty, but he sho' don't like ugly. And it was purely discrimination, as I had filed an EEOC discrimination suit, after 14 years on the job. And as soon as I rescinded the suit, I was terminated. White privilege, in "spades".
Let's not even talk about the racist English professor at Univ. of Houston, who gave the shitkicker cretins B's and who gave me a D...simply because she had contempt for me that I was even in her class.
Or me, standing on a corner, in mid day, waiting for a bus, and up drives a late model Mercedes, with two middle aged to elderly white women, and the passenger locked the door and rolled up the window, after taking a look at me, wearing nice casual clothes and looking like a million dollars. The nerve. Talk about wanting to bitchslap somebody, for even going there. So, excuse me, if I harbor ill feelings for any of you, who remotely resemble the worst of white people. You need to get out of yourselves, and then gain some perspective before you come for me.
And my take is you haven't seen "asshole", yet. If you think that this is me, being an asshole, you're in for a rude awakening, in the real world.
That story is very Waaaaambulance.
I fucking trained a white supervisor, who was "registered" to my "certified", on my job, and once he got his bearings, started working on me....for 2 and half years, leading to my illegal dismissal, and my winning unemployment on appeal, based on my documentation. And to show you how karma works, the hospital fired him, a year later. God ain't that fond of pretty, but he sho' don't like ugly. And it was purely discrimination, as I had filed an EEOC discrimination suit, after 14 years on the job. And as soon as I rescinded the suit, I was terminated. White privilege, in "spades".
Let's not even talk about the racist English professor at Univ. of Houston, who gave the shitkicker cretins B's and who gave me a D...simply because she had contempt for me that I was even in her class.
Or me, standing on a corner, in mid day, waiting for a bus, and up drives a late model Mercedes, with two middle aged to elderly white women, and the passenger locked the door and rolled up the window, after taking a look at me, wearing nice casual clothes and looking like a million dollars. The nerve. Talk about wanting to bitchslap somebody, for even going there. So, excuse me, if I harbor ill feelings for any of you, who remotely resemble the worst of white people. You need to get out of yourselves, and then gain some perspective before you come for me.

Whatever you've been through does not justify you being a prick. As I stated, my uncle was physically assaulted on a regular basis for no other reason than being white. How you treat others is a choice...and you choose to be an asshole. That's the bottom line.
I'm actually pretty liberal, had you taken the time to get to know me. I'm pro-choice, pro-gay rights, and pro-safety net. I favor progressive taxation, and I feel climate change is a big deal. I'm pro-cap and trade; so were most Republicans at one time, until the Democrats supported it. I hate partisan bullshit.

As for being white, you just assumed I'm white. You never bothered to ask.

It's true that you were unfairly attacked right off the bat by a few people. But you chose to go into defensive mode against people who had nothing to do with that. That's not my problem.

Really? Then how did you wind up on my bad side? There are quite a few forum members on my friends list. What makes you different? Perhaps, it was your response to my response, and how you didn't pick up the nuances most of the liberals did. And that would be your problem.
Whatever you've been through does not justify you being a prick. As I stated, my uncle was physically assaulted on a regular basis for no other reason than being white. How you treat others is a choice...and you choose to be an asshole. That's the bottom line.

One man's asshole, is another man's saint. Change your point of view, instead of you insisting that I change mine.
Really? Then how did you wind up on my bad side? There are quite a few forum members on my friends list. What makes you different? Perhaps, it was your response to my response, and how you didn't pick up the nuances most of the liberals did. And that would be your problem.

No, actually, we made up a couple times. You were being completely unreasonable on both occasions, but I let it go. Then you flipped on me as soon as I disagreed with you, like when I defended Tom. All I said is that I don't understand the reaction against him...and the rest is history.

You're oversensitive. Even one of your allies admitted as much via PM, but would never say it publicly. People feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you.
That's because you're in Texass where they only have piss beer. Come to the NW and I'll buy you a real one. :)

Now you're trying to bribe me with beer. Had you mentioned Patron Tequila, you might have gotten a positive response. Beer? LOL.
And don't knock Texas. You're the one living in Cascadia, with earthquakes and volcanoes.
Here's the deal Poet... I don't like having enemies. But you make it WAY too easy for someone to become your enemy. It's almost like you enjoy it.
No, actually, we made up a couple times. You were being completely unreasonable on both occasions, but I let it go. Then you flipped on me as soon as I disagreed with you, like when I defended Tom. All I said is that I don't understand the reaction against him...and the rest is history.

You're oversensitive. Even one of your allies admitted as much via PM, but would never say it publicly. People feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you.

right. All out of the clear blue sky. Because I actually have no legitimate beef. So I just ought to calm my ass down, and be a good little negra, and speak only when spoken to. I'm sorry, but that has never been me.