Poet melting down (again)

my point was that conservatives on here have a history of going after their own is the opportunity for criticism presents itself. I don't see the same self policing among the liberals.

Bull. Dixie became a laughing stock years ago on fp over the 1/3 thread. Conservatives have no history of policing themselves, give it a rest.
honestly, I will not claim to know who started this whole feud, but again, no other liberals have multiple threads made about them. Poet (regardless if you agree or disagree with him) is very absolutist, abrasive and dismissive of others. Regardless if he's right to do so or not, that generates a lot of heat.

As I recall it started with his very first post when he said he was black, gay and liberal. Four days later usf made a thread about him.
As I recall it started with his very first post when he said he was black, gay and liberal. Four days later usf made a thread about him.

That's true, and it was really right around the same time I came back here because Loyal got banned, or was just about to. I do remember it pretty well. And she went after poet big time as well. I mean, his welcoming here by the most vicious, and really insane lunatics on the internet, we are talking free, loyal, and ice, was just horrid, filled with tons of sexual degradation of course. Their specialty.

I am sure that set the tone. Now, if I were him though, considering two of those people are gone, I would try to take a step back and see what happened if I changed my own tone. I think good things would happen.
He's front and center because people just can't stop themselves from making that happen. It started with his very first post and never stopped. Darla, Rana, Dung and I have all started controversial threads and mouthed off to the people responding, yet for some reason it's different. Why?

Because you, Darla, Rana, and Dung aren't militant.
That's true, and it was really right around the same time I came back here because Loyal got banned, or was just about to. I do remember it pretty well. And she went after poet big time as well. I mean, his welcoming here by the most vicious, and really insane lunatics on the internet, we are talking free, loyal, and ice, was just horrid, filled with tons of sexual degradation of course. Their specialty.

I am sure that set the tone. Now, if I were him though, considering two of those people are gone, I would try to take a step back and see what happened if I changed my own tone. I think good things would happen.

Exactly. The worst offenders are gone and it's so much nicer.
However, to be fair...poet should stop with the personal "your mama" shit. He should ignore USF who is completely, 100% irredeemable, and also definitely a stone cold racist who also loves to gay bash poet. Forget him.

I think most others he could have dialog with if he were to try. I mean, he goes way overboard. I have to be honest.

Thank you, Darla. You are a person of great integrity.
The bottom line is Poet needs to chill out. I'm certain everyone agrees with that, whether they admit it or not. Some weed would do him good.
What?? I'm a militant feminist and I disapprove of that message. Violence is is violence no matter who does it.:whoa:

I slapped a man once in my whole life, I will never forget it. I was only about 24? Me and my friend were at the Savoy and apparently a guy grabbed her ass, which I did not see. She got really mad and threw a drink in his face which I did see. We were walking towards the stairs. He pushed her and she fell down the stairs. I remember I was in total shock (male violence was not in my family). I turned, without thinking, infuriated, and slapped him across the face. I will never forget it was like slow motion he pulled his fist back and I realized he was going to punch me and I had a microsecond to think of broken teeth and a man behind me literally grabbed his arm in mid air.

Do you know he actually said "she hit me first"? LOL The other guy said, i don't care no one hits a woman when I'm around. I'm sure he also saw the guy shove my friend down a flight of stairs. Then the bouncers came running, it got totally crazy, I had to make sure my friend was okay, and I never got to thank that guy. I never forgot him though!
Poet is very front and center. do you see threads about darla or rana or dung being started? No. Clearly its not politics leading people to start these threads

Clearly. Politics and debate are not the reasons many forum members are here. Many suffer from lack of self-esteem.
As I recall it started with his very first post when he said he was black, gay and liberal. Four days later usf made a thread about him.

For me, it started whenever I first posted in the same thread as him, and he shouted some insane bullshit at me. Talking to Poet is like talking to Asshate, Wiseone, Kathatsung, etc.
He's front and center because people just can't stop themselves from making that happen. It started with his very first post and never stopped. Darla, Rana, Dung and I have all started controversial threads and mouthed off to the people responding, yet for some reason it's different. Why?

I'll give you some reasons? I'm black. I'm gay. I'm liberal. And I'm supposed to know my place.
honestly, I will not claim to know who started this whole feud, but again, no other liberals have multiple threads made about them. Poet (regardless if you agree or disagree with him) is very absolutist, abrasive and dismissive of others. Regardless if he's right to do so or not, that generates a lot of heat.

Oh, I'm way past being Pollyanna. I'm the worst nightmare. I'm an n-word, with intelligence and attitude. And nobody here can tell me it's unjustified. What the hell do you mean, regardless if I'm right to do so or not? Who is to tell me otherwise? You?
my point was that conservatives on here have a history of going after their own if the opportunity for criticism presents itself. I don't see the same self policing among the liberals.
Yeah, just keep making stuff up. In the real world, as in here, rarely, if ever, have I seen a conservative, chastise or repudiate another conservative, for anything. Another proof that you're retarded.
However, to be fair...poet should stop with the personal "your mama" shit. He should ignore USF who is completely, 100% irredeemable, and also definitely a stone cold racist who also loves to gay bash poet. Forget him.

I think most others he could have dialog with if he were to try. I mean, he goes way overboard. I have to be honest.

Walk a mile in my shoes, and then say that.