Polarizing? They're Kiddin, Right?

He was polarizing to racist white men who couldn't understand how he got into office.

He slipped through the cracks...as far as you all were concerned.

You all didn't see it coming. You were too busy filling you're filthy pockets ripping off the nation. Causing disaster in every inch of this society.

dump is the consequence of having a BLACK MAN in the white house.

You people are pathetic!

Grumpy a closet antisemitic!
Only they would drag the Frank Sisters into this!

Nice try but you are the one who chose to post an avatar of the Frank sisters thus linking them to your filthy degrading language. Then like always you try to blame others for your sick depraved bullshit.
Nice try but you are the one who chose to post an avatar of the Frank sisters thus linking them to your filthy degrading language. Then like always you try to blame others for your sick depraved bullshit.

I didn't write the book,Anne Frank did!
I'm just a nasty old prick,like you! who admires Anne and Margot.
Good luck getting anyone but your crab infested cunt gf to believe,you brought the Frank sisters into this for your own sick reasons!