Polarizing? They're Kiddin, Right?

Gallup? Right wing crap. Trump just got rid of his only black. So you can argue that internally milk white is eliminating racial strife. But around the country,the opposite.
Obama did everything he could to pit one American against another, race-baiting, class-baiting, he was toxic.

Gallup's data shows Obama was the most divisive. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/316024-gallup-obama-approval-ratings-most-polarized-in-us-history

Do you have something to dispute it?
What the hell does "the fact that most New Yorkers are naturally polarizing by nature" mean?

Trump is the most polarizing political figure in American history, and the most shameful part is that it is by design. His shtick is to create a melodrama, and to do such he has to have the "bad guys," which in his case is just about anyone who critizes or even questions him. For example, you can't label all Democrats, close to forty percent of the nation, as evil and enemies, and not separate people

I can't recall any President in my lifetime, or have I ever read of any such past President, who went out of his way to personally label others as "losers," "idiots," "stupid," "uneducated," "evil," etc., and that is way beyond just being "obnoxious linguistically"

As for the media, yes, some are aggressive in checking what Trump says and does, just as others defend him endlessly, but it is their job, think of it this way, if they weren't for them who would ever expose the thousands of flat out lies and fabrications that Trump has given us? When a nation relies on its leader to dictate what we are to believe we have sunk into an autocracy

Funny as hell...….when up to 95% of the black population (that voted) in this nation voted for who? The mocha colored Marxist simply because he played the race card. LMAO 90% + does not leave much room for mobility. And the national polarization? Again we find the national press promoting what? 90% + NEGATIVE and BIGOTED coverage (a percentage of which is documented LIES) of the President of the United States. Priceless...the pot calling the kettle black. Its the demonrat party that promotes division and segregation....from everything based upon, RACE,GENDER, RELIGION, GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION, EDUCATION...etc., Why? The party cannot exist without division...its how they make a living off the tax payers of the US. The Republican party promotes ASSLIMILATION and Patriotism not division.
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Trump and his base are highly polarizing, but hardcore Democrats are just as polarizing. The two party system has created horse race politics, where people are more interested in rooting for their side and trashing the other side than focusing on genuine, intelligent solutions to our country's ills. If you think Trump and the Republicans are polarizing but not Democrats, or vice versa, you're complicit in the very problem you're bitching about.

Trump does not polarize. That is what the dishonest media and whiny leftist assholes are doing. They can't win, therefore, divide and obstruct. The same can be said for Obama. Even after he lost the House and the Senate he thumbed his nose at the Republican majority and declared he would go alone without them if they did not bend to his will.

Obama says he's prepared to act without Congress in State of the Union address
Trump does not polarize. That is what the dishonest media and whiny leftist assholes are doing. They can't win, therefore, divide and obstruct.]

After all the evidence in the beforehand, "truthie" still comes out with the classic "Trump does not polarize." Where does one go from there?

Using common sense, how many people do you know that go out of their way to personally insult others on seemingly a daily basis employing descriptions as "loser," "liar," "rat," "criminal," "little," "lowlife," "ignorant," "slime ball," "dumb," "sneaky," "evil," "corrupt," "crazy," etc? And you would tell us that such a person brings others together?
After all the evidence in the beforehand, "truthie" still comes out with the classic "Trump does not polarize." Where does one go from there?

Using common sense, how many people do you know that go out of their way to personally insult others on seemingly a daily basis employing descriptions as "loser," "liar," "rat," "criminal," "little," "lowlife," "ignorant," "slime ball," "dumb," "sneaky," "evil," "corrupt," "crazy," etc? And you would tell us that such a person brings others together?


MAGA Baby!!
Daffy gave a speech yesterday about a defense appropriations bill named after a war hero, John Mccain. Our draft dodger president did not honor or mention him. That would have been the right thing to do. We used to believe that wrongly elected people would grow into the job. Not Daffy. He is still the worlds oldest teenager. He is still holding on the grudges that he created by himself.
Trump is the most polarizing president since Lincoln but not 1/100 of AL's character.

America has been purposely polarized by the power structure going back to the aftermath of Bacon's Rebellion. The aristocracy, vastly outnumbered by the unsubstantial people, must keep the power of the people divided and directed at the people themselves.

The political system has always leveraged this aporoach. Don merely came along at a very sick and twisted time in america and took advantage of it. He's hardly the first.