Excellent point, Jarod.People deserve respect by virtue of being one of gods creations. That does not mean you should never disagree with another person, but you should always treat another person with respect.
Merry Christmas.
Excellent point, Jarod.People deserve respect by virtue of being one of gods creations. That does not mean you should never disagree with another person, but you should always treat another person with respect.
Poor, poor little atheist. Was your life threatened? Did someone kick your ass? Has it gotten to the point where you can only say "happy Holidays" online? Is Cyber Space the ONLY place, where a soft, enlightened, tree worshipper like you can dance around the forum singing about his stupid fucking holiday tree?Its not safe to say Happy Holidays, because some people get pissed about that.
And yet it's not safe to say Happy Holidays? You are either one brave son of a bitch, or chicken shit liar.I don't really care if it pisses people off.
And yet you keep parroting it as if you had no idea that it might be pissing some Christians off. You know, it's not racist to say Merry Christmas, either. So why not just say that? Are you running low on cyber ink? Perhaps you've just gotten too fat, stupid and lazy to type in the extra characters?Its not racist at all to say Merry X-Mass.
That's because you're on the spot right now, and you're not prepared to be called out. But I bet they would think that you're some asshat who's deliberately trying to keep Christ out of Christmas because he's trying to make a point.If you tell someone who does not celebrate X-Mass, Merry X-Mass they might think you are ignorant but I don't think they will think you are racist for it.
But what does this idiot story have to do with you dancing around this forum singing Merry X-mas?People have accidentally given me Hanukah gifts before, I don't think they are racist, I graciously accept and giggle to myself a bit that they assumed I was jewish, I guess due to my last name and profession.
Would an assignment to write about why your race is superior be politically correct?
You are correct. Lefties assume that everyone deserves respect because they exist. Respect is earned not the participation trophy mindset lefties follow.
Recently had a situation this applies. A dog of a person in the neighborhood that normally walks her dog took a dump in my yard about a month ago. It's been happening a lot but I didn't know who it was. I happened to be sitting in my car after just getting home when she and the dog came walking by. When I noticed that the dog was going to dump in my yard, I took a picture of the dog in action. I waited a while thinking that the lady would come back and do the right thing by picking it up. When that didn't happen in a reasonable amount of time, I put it in a ziplock bag, printed the picture, put it in a box along with a note, and left it on her doorstep.
While that's not a politically correct action, the lady didn't deserve respect either.
Maybe they had seen some of your posts and thought it appropriate
'Political correctness' is a load of crap invented by racists and other Nazis. If you want to get rid of it, shoot all the racists.
'Political correctness' is a load of crap invented by racists and other Nazis. If you want to get rid of it, shoot all the racists.
People deserve respect by virtue of being one of gods creations. That does not mean you should never disagree with another person, but you should always treat another person with respect.
Political correctness is an invention of racists who don't want to be called out for making racist comments.
It's the incorrect idea that you should be able to save anything you want without any negative consequences.
I don't understand the connection.
If you say something disgusting, do I not have a right to respond?
I guess that is a basic difference between you and me. I assume that God created you and put you here and by that virtue you have a right to respect. You might lose my respect, but by being human, you start out with it.
So explain it to me?
Oh my, this poor victim of political correctness..![]()
Will this be a new protected group under the trumpoff regime??![]()
This clown's not even an American citizen so WGAS what he thinks? He can take his little rant back to Australia and work on changing his own country's faults.
Hey, go easy on this poor victim of political correctness.Who really knows what this poor "surviver" has had to endure & suffer in his homeland...
Perhaps trumpoff will allow these white casualties of political correctness from that continent into this country w/out quotas![]()
Political correctness isn't about respect; it's about forcing ones political views on others whether they agree with them or not.
The Constitution doesn't give ANYONE the right not to be offended; nor does it suggest that all views be accommodated for.
Maybe next time instead of leaving it on their doorstep, I'll feed it to them. How about we pretend your dog did that in my yard and I practice feeding it to you? It's obvious you're used to eating it.
Too much of a pussy just to confront them right then? Hey! Maybe you can just pull out that peashooter of yours and wave it around a little! Maybe even shoot the dog. That will show 'em!
Too much of a pussy just to confront them right then? Hey! Maybe you can just pull out that peashooter of yours and wave it around a little! Maybe even shoot the dog. That will show 'em!
Too much of a pussy just to confront them right then? Hey! Maybe you can just pull out that peashooter of yours and wave it around a little! Maybe even shoot the dog. That will show 'em!
Chose to do it MY way. If you choose to call that being a pussy, you'd be wrong. I actually did something about it unlike someone like you that makes all sorts of claims and does nothing to back it up.
As far as shooting the dog, I'd be well within my rights doing so. When it came to someone like you, I'd feed it to you and there wouldn't be a damn thing you could do to stop me.