Political evolution toward liberalism.

Your first clue this does not equate to a "police state" is that he had a trial and a jury awarded him monetary damages. Police States are unconcerned with prisoner treatment and cannot be sued.

In addition, there are a couple of facts you tend to overlook in your desire to suggest we live in a Police State; one is the fact that we do not have all the facts surrounding this case. Second is the mental situation of the prisoner involved and that he may have contributed to the state of his incarceration in a State that is hardly a right wing Fascist red State, but rather a fairly liberal BLUE state and a city that is blatantly liberal.

Here are some facts:

Former inmate Stephen R. Slevin, now 57, of Virginia Beach, Va., was charged in August 2005, with possession of a stolen vehicle, aggravated driving while under the influence, driving with a suspended license, possession of an open container of alcohol in a vehicle and improper use of registration, according to court records.

This suggests that little of what this person can claim can be taken as factual given his history.

In a response to the complaint, the county acknowledged that detainees are "entitled to humane treatment and medical care" but denied that Slevin lacked such care and said Slevin "at no time ... (indicated) he wanted to be moved back into general population."

Slevin was released on June 25, 2007, when state District Court Judge Douglas Driggers dismissed the charges without prejudice, finding Slevin "incompetent and not dangerous," court records show.

I bolded the pertinent part; this person may have been his own worst enemy.

So with all that, what police state gives a prisoner their freedom and a trial with representation and a multi-million dollar award for perceived violations of their civil rights? I will wait for you to find one.

Rather than making your case; you continue to significantly weaken it.
As opposed to laws that attempt to re-define what marriage is, forces people to buy health insurance and claims that birth control is a right?

You are a laughable little hypocrite; in your view, laws that support your views are okay, but those that do not are trying to control you.

I asked you for a specific example, not for a laundry list of leftist claims. Please provide some evidence of these laws Republicans are passing that control your personal life and prevent you from doing whatever you feel like.

Please post them; I would like to see how Romney screwed up on women’s pay. Earlier your false claim was EQUAL pay. Now it is changed to "women's" pay.

I asked you a question which you continue to deflect from and refuse to answer; what women in this country are forced to work for pay they feel does not meet their qualifications?

I will wait.

Preventing gay marriage. The definition has changed many times. Too bad. (example)

Equal pay: when a woman invests years working her way up in a corp, she deserves equal pay for equal work, effort, and contribution. WHy should she give up that investment that benefited the corp. when she is entitled to equal pay with a male counterpart?





Dont like the sources? Too bad. Find your own then. That was his position and when it didnt 'play' well, he had to backpeddle.
Your first clue this does not equate to a "police state" is that he had a trial and a jury awarded him monetary damages. Police States are unconcerned with prisoner treatment and cannot be sued.

In addition, there are a couple of facts you tend to overlook in your desire to suggest we live in a Police State; one is the fact that we do not have all the facts surrounding this case. Second is the mental situation of the prisoner involved and that he may have contributed to the state of his incarceration in a State that is hardly a right wing Fascist red State, but rather a fairly liberal BLUE state and a city that is blatantly liberal.

Here are some facts:

Former inmate Stephen R. Slevin, now 57, of Virginia Beach, Va., was charged in August 2005, with possession of a stolen vehicle, aggravated driving while under the influence, driving with a suspended license, possession of an open container of alcohol in a vehicle and improper use of registration, according to court records.

This suggests that little of what this person can claim can be taken as factual given his history.

In a response to the complaint, the county acknowledged that detainees are "entitled to humane treatment and medical care" but denied that Slevin lacked such care and said Slevin "at no time ... (indicated) he wanted to be moved back into general population."

Slevin was released on June 25, 2007, when state District Court Judge Douglas Driggers dismissed the charges without prejudice, finding Slevin "incompetent and not dangerous," court records show.

I bolded the pertinent part; this person may have been his own worst enemy.

So with all that, what police state gives a prisoner their freedom and a trial with representation and a multi-million dollar award for perceived violations of their civil rights? I will wait for you to find one.

Rather than making your case; you continue to significantly weaken it.
no, what you've simply done is solidify your position that you WANT a police state and are unconcerned with anyone that sits in a cell for two years with no criminal trial and all is well. If a judgement of money is made, the taxpayers can deal with it, no cops are in trouble, and the county can still avoid liability if a higher court overturns the judgement. congrats statist.