Political evolution toward liberalism.

Socially I'd have to agree....backwards and hypocritical since they continue to propose laws (bigger govt and more govt interference in our lives) on social issues that are none of the govt's business.

And they wonder why more women didnt back Romney in '12? As lame and supposedly middle-of-the-road he is, he still refused to come out in favor of or vote for equal pay for women in his state. (Just a quick example)

Socially I'd have to agree....backwards and hypocritical since they continue to propose laws (bigger govt and more govt interference in our lives) on social issues that are none of the govt's business.

What laws would those be?

And they wonder why more women didnt back Romney in '12? As lame and supposedly middle-of-the-road he is, he still refused to come out in favor of or vote for equal pay for women in his state. (Just a quick example)

Your link to the Communist News Network did not work so I could not read it.

Equal pay for women is a meme for the clueless. So tell me, what companies force women to work for less than what they think they are worth? Please name just one.

Thank you.

Women didn’t support Romney as much as they supported the inexperienced, inept buffoon Obama because they gullibly fell for the DNC talking points they were being fed.

So how is that hopey changey working for women?
What laws would those be?

Your link to the Communist News Network did not work so I could not read it.

Equal pay for women is a meme for the clueless. So tell me, what companies force women to work for less than what they think they are worth? Please name just one.

Thank you.

Women didn’t support Romney as much as they supported the inexperienced, inept buffoon Obama because they gullibly fell for the DNC talking points they were being fed.

So how is that hopey changey working for women?

Laws that affect marriage (when the govt shouldnt even be involved in marraige, IMO), that affect gays, that affect sex, abortion, birth control, ('justifiable rape?'), women, etc.

And there are loads of links on Romney's screw up on women's pay. From your diatribe, you obviously dont understand the issue. Are you justifying paying women less for the same work?
Laws that affect marriage (when the govt shouldnt even be involved in marraige, IMO), that affect gays, that affect sex, abortion, birth control, ('justifiable rape?'), women, etc.

As opposed to laws that attempt to re-define what marriage is, forces people to buy health insurance and claims that birth control is a right?

You are a laughable little hypocrite; in your view, laws that support your views are okay, but those that do not are trying to control you.

I asked you for a specific example, not for a laundry list of leftist claims. Please provide some evidence of these laws Republicans are passing that control your personal life and prevent you from doing whatever you feel like.

And there are loads of links on Romney's screw up on women's pay. From your diatribe, you obviously dont understand the issue. Are you justifying paying women less for the same work?

Please post them; I would like to see how Romney screwed up on women’s pay. Earlier your false claim was EQUAL pay. Now it is changed to "women's" pay.

I asked you a question which you continue to deflect from and refuse to answer; what women in this country are forced to work for pay they feel does not meet their qualifications?

I will wait.