I always say "raising awareness is the first step to solving any problem".
it's gold. really shuts up sjw types.
The problem is much deeper than that....the reason the West is dying is at its core because of bad thinking and bad ideas...and the question that must be pursued is how that has happened. One of the reasons is that those in power dont want any boat rocking because it tends to get in the way of careers that are going very well, a change in the ideas of the society tends to change who is in charge as we look for the best leaders for the moment. Those in charge dont want to see problematic for careers idea changes if those people happen to be inferior people, which has been the case way way way the fuck too often with the MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME Generation. The failure of peer review in science was caused by this, those who had the reputations have actively worked to kill off new ideas and better ideas. We are now at the point where heretics are actively hunted down and crushed. I agree with your quote but no longer am motivated by any desire to help my society as I used to be, for me it has been for sometime a core part of who I am that I seek truth and speak truth regardless of what might come....I hope that I make a positive contribution in the lives of others....but I do what I do regardless.