Political leaning. Nature or Nurture?

my dad believes michael savage is awesome and the only true genius in political discourse these days. Many debates and arguments contain: "well if michael savage were president he would do THIS" He also doesn't care that we didn't find wmds because iraq has oil and invading iraq for oil is a good enough reason LOL.

"you know matt, i thought it was crazy too, but then i realized, liberalism really IS a mental disorder"

My mom is apolitical independant that votes republican. She's against drugs but doesn't form many fiery opinions.
My dad is a rabid support of the war on terror and torture.

The other day a segment on the news came on in which an anchor was descrbing waterboarding, and he just screamed "Who cares? He kept you safe didn't you!" ("he" is Bush). I didn't bother to point out the numerous fallacies contained within that compact statement. But you can see how we don't exactly seem alike.
the real funny thing is the conservatives that are scared of terrorists are never going to get attacked. No terrorist is attacking mississippi lol... who cares about them. Only liberals areas are going to get blastoed.
That's silly beyond words AssHat. They are going to grow economically whether or not we blockade them. We cannot prevent them from producing wealth.

No it's not. many sectors of their economy are dependant directly on our dollars.

We don't have to blockade them to keep our salary and production dollars inhouse.

I don't care if they grow, it's just that right now their growth is a direct result of government and corporations destroying our middle class. this dynamic does not have to be.

You're retarded beyond words.

No matter how many times you repeat your internationalist fascist propaganda, it will always be lies.
No it's not. many sectors of their economy are dependant directly on our dollars.

We don't have to blockade them to keep our salary and production dollars inhouse.

I don't care if they grow, it's just that right now their growth is a direct result of government and corporations destroying our middle class. this dynamic does not have to be.

You're retarded beyond words.

No matter how many times you repeat your internationalist fascist propaganda, it will always be lies.

We cannot keep them from producing. Blockading them would hurt us tremendously and would just accelerate their climb beyond us.
We cannot keep them from producing. Blockading them would hurt us tremendously and would just accelerate their climb beyond us.

I don't want to stop them from producing. Good luck to them. It's just not our responsibility to give them business to the detriment of our own corporations and workers.

And again, I do not espouse a blockade; that's just something stupid you keep saying.
My dad is a rabid support of the war on terror and torture.

The other day a segment on the news came on in which an anchor was descrbing waterboarding, and he just screamed "Who cares? He kept you safe didn't you!" ("he" is Bush). I didn't bother to point out the numerous fallacies contained within that compact statement. But you can see how we don't exactly seem alike.
That's only because you haven't paid taxes yet little boy.
It's not our responsibility. Our people do it themselves because it's beneficial to them.

No. It's beneficial to SOME people. Shareholder of corporations. Immigration law should not be altered to benefit corporations.

It's also very short sighted to lose production and technical capacities amongst americans for short term gain, while becoming dependant in a way in which can lose long term strategic advantages.
We lose nothing. If the market would lose something in the long term, they'd take it into account.

There's more to life than markets. How smart is it to become dependant on nations which openly have military ambitions to dominate you? How smart is it to depend on those hostile to your own existence?

if you think that's smart that means you're dumb.
We cannot keep them from producing. Blockading them would hurt us tremendously and would just accelerate their climb beyond us.

take a step back and realize you are arguing economics with someone that actively believes the reptilians are in firm control of the united nations.