Umm. Good one.
I'll write that down somewhere.
The Declaration was written by men who understood the Word of God better than you.
Did he write that shit before or after he signed the Founding documents?Is that why one of them rewrote the Old Testament taking all the supernatural out of it?
No. Their growth is dependant upon us putting our own workers out of work. We can simply say no that idiocy.
Not really...India and China are growing beyond their dependence on the USA....
We however are becoming more dependent on other nations.
And they want you to worship Jews.take a step back and realize you are arguing economics with someone that actively believes the reptilians are in firm control of the united nations.
Notice how the internationlitst fascists have no effective arguments, and must resort to stupidity to feel good about themselves.
I will get the web site the next time I am flipping channels and see the show it is on at least once a day.
But the guy running the show did seem dumber than a snake
You do that.
Umm. Wtf are you talking about?
I do not know the fools name, but whoever he is he is having a show on now about donating money to plant olive trees in Israel.
He does a lot of joo worship during his show begging for money. I think you get an olive tree bible out of the deal.
Is your political slant genetic or upbringing and association in nature?
Probably both but which is the greater influence?
And wages. Duh.
Did he write that shit before or after he signed the Founding documents?
Not at all. Compare the 20s to the 30s for wages to poor workers in factories. Lots of productivity in the 20s, not so much in the 30s - but wages were low in both decades (of course unemployment was another matter), and immigration had been cut way back by 20s restrictions.
Makes a big difference, and he lost his faith late in life.What difference does it make? He didn't believe the scriptures the way you did. So does he understand it better?