Villified User
Makes a big difference, and he lost his faith late in life.
People often gain wisdom late in life.
Makes a big difference, and he lost his faith late in life.
Is that why one of them rewrote the Old Testament taking all the supernatural out of it?
Or senility. Are you suggesting that he wasn't wise when he wrote the Declaration?People often gain wisdom late in life.
It's totally wages. Companies want cheap labor, period. you're 20's and 30's irrelevancies are merely distractions. Thanks for illustrating your idiocy.
The central question is a prime example of what is wrong with the base thinking in our current society. Political leaning, whether one follows the law always, sometimes, or hardly ever, whether one helps, ignores, or preys on others; ALL of it is CHOICE. It is the exercise of free will. Certainly both nature and nurture have some influence. But no person is irreducibly bound by the influences of nature or nurture when it comes to socio-political-economic choices.
Each person is the ultimate authority over themselves and their choices. The fact that we forget choice, and focus on the ridiculous psychobabble "nature or nurture" dichotomy is a BIG reason we face many of the troubles we face today.
Damn, that was an inconvenient post I made there...
Interesting question. Obviously both as external can reinforce internal. Nature must have a lot to do with it as first knowledge comes from family and family is genes. In some families I know everyone is conservative republican, oddly I know few families that are all liberal democrat - actually i can't think of one.
But I look too at my father who is a cynic and I am far from him even though some of my brothers are closer to his perspective. But I think experiences, education, and temperament are key factors. My mother's stories of the depression, our experience as a poor family, early work experiences, military experience, tutoring the poor and uneducated, and most of all a great deal of reading reinforced a liberal approach to life. I could no more call myself conservative then I could call myself a martian.
Yeah. It illustrated how stupid you are.
Free will is sometimes hard to exercise, as in the case of an addict, as you mention. That does not mean it doesn't exist.
Well it is difficult to escape from prison, but some people manage to do it, so I guess prisoners are actually free.