Poll: 60% of Americans Opposed to Syria Attack, Just 9% Support it

some dissembling that the locals "rebels" are not the AQ "affiliates", not that i believe it -

impossible to seperate out the Free Syrian Co-Alition factions - they (AQ afilliates) are supposedly more in the north (rather then around Damascus)

Meaningless if Assad should fall; meaning stay OUT OF IT. Meaningless parsing of alliances too.

They are Al Queda.. just as they were in Libya.

Now, Libya is a base of Al Queda operations.
is that the official report on who used the gas?

will you accept the UN reports findings?

No, this was from the last time Obama and the US accused Assad of using chemical weapons.

It demonstrates that the Al Qaida rebels have used these weapons in the past .. proving once again that Obama is rushing to judgement just like his mentor, George Bush.

You probably shouldn't post articles from May without noting that they are from May and are not related to the recent use of chemical weapons in Syria. I'm not saying its intentional, but the above is highly misleading.

I expect that everyone will do as I do and read the article before making a judgement.

I usually always post the date .. but honestly, I didn't his time to stir the debate .. else Obama supporters would have just ignored it.
Also, these are the findings of the UN Commission on Syria with respect to the earlier alleged attacks:

136. As the conflict escalates, the potential for use of chemical weapons is of deepening
concern. Chemical weapons include toxic chemicals, munitions, devices and related
equipment as defined in the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,
Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and Their Destruction. Also
applicable is the 1925 Geneva Protocol which Syria has ratified. The use of chemical
weapons is prohibited in all circumstances under customary international humanitarian law
and is a war crime under the Rome Statute.

137. The Government has in its possession a number of chemical weapons. The dangers
extend beyond the use of the weapons by the Government itself to the control of such
weapons in the event of either fractured command or of any of the affiliated forces gaining

138. It is possible that anti-Government armed groups may access and use chemical
weapons. This includes nerve agents, though there is no compelling evidence that these
groups possess such weapons or their requisite delivery systems.

139. Allegations have been received concerning the use of chemical weapons by both
parties. The majority concern their use by Government forces.
In four attacks – on Khan
Al-Asal, Aleppo, 19 March; Uteibah, Damascus, 19 March; Sheikh Maqsood
neighbourhood, Aleppo, 13 April; and Saraqib, Idlib, 29 April – there are reasonable
grounds to believe that limited quantities of toxic chemicals were used. It has not been
possible, on the evidence available, to determine the precise chemical agents used, their
delivery systems or the perpetrator. Other incidents also remain under investigation.

140. Conclusive findings – particularly in the absence of a large-scale attack – may be
reached only after testing samples taken directly from victims or the site of the alleged
attack. It is, therefore, of utmost importance that the Panel of Experts, led by Professor
Sellström and assembled under the Secretary General's Mechanism for Investigation of
Alleged Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons, is granted full access to Syria.

Dung, you've been pretty quiet on this issue. What would you like to see happen here regarding possible U.S. involvement?
If chemical weapons use is confirmed would you support US involvement?

Not necessarily. I don't see what the US can do to bring about a positive resolution to the conflict, which is the only justifiable basis for getting involved. Air strikes sure as shit aren't going to do it. In short, the many potential negative consequences of US involvment by far outwiegh the extremely limited benefits.
In case democrats are looking around for republican to blame for this .. try this one ..

how can you people just stand back and do nothing while a leader gases his people ?

how is that NOT like Hitler?

Can you show me CONCLUSIVELY that it is Assad doing the gassing of his people?

Because unless you can do that...then this is just another game of he said/she said...and the last time we got involved in that game, we spent TEN YEARS getting our best and bravest killed in Iraq.
Anyone remember Curveball?


Image: From Independent’s “Man whose WMD lies led to 100,000 deaths confesses all: Defector tells how US officials ‘sexed up’ his fictions to make the case for 2003 invasion.” In retrospect, the corporate-media has no problem admitting the insidious lies that were told to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq – the lead up to the war was another story. A verbatim repeat of these admitted lies are being directed at Syria amidst the West’s failure to overthrow the government with terrorist proxies.

"Curveball", the Iraqi defector who fabricated claims about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, smiles as he confirms how he made the whole thing up. It was a confidence trick that changed the course of history, with Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi's lies used to justify the Iraq war.


A glaring demonstration of the evil that is the MIC and the puppet presidents who support it.