Poll: 60% of Americans Opposed to Syria Attack, Just 9% Support it

today's mish mashed "reason"

The United States wants Assad to leave power, but as part of a negotiated political settlement with the Syrian rebels.

Carney said the United States has a variety of options from which to use, not just military options. Most of the talk about Syria in recent days, however, has been about a limited cruise missile attack.

the usual Carney dissembling, if you care to read it
Not even in the same neighborhood as what happened in Iraq.
Agreed, this is just one ex., we dropped a LOT of bombs, launched a LOT of cruise missiles - there is such thing as collateral damage??

And for what?? To install a Sharia gov't, so we could ship Libyan weapons thru Bengazi to Syria?
Libyan weapons are /were all over Syria, not all came from Bengazi..but what do you think Stevens was doing there?

This is east Africa, and he would go jogging alone?? how can an American diplomat do that -unless he was partnering with the locals?
East Africa is a hot bed of Al-Shabbab, the Libyan Islamic Fighter Group (etc.) -how could he do that for so long?

How about the CIA annex?? doesn't that sound a bit strange? I can't prove it - Rand Paul tried to, and hit a stone wall.

Some thing went terribly wrong, and the Libyan gov't police cars just left, leaving that post unguarded.

Maybe because we didn't want Embassy Guards there to begin with?? *food for thought*
Apr 28, 2012 ( Before Bengazi's demise)

Lebanon impounds ship carrying Libyan weapons

Labelling on one box said it contained fragmentation explosives, and several identified them as coming from Libya.

One was marked "Tripoli/Benghazi SPLAJ", referring to LIbya's formal name during the 42-year rule of Muammar Gaddafi - the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Another was stamped Misrata, the Libyan town which formed a base for rebels who overthrew Gaddafi last year in one of several uprising which swept the Arab world.

Russia accused Libya in March of arming and training Syrian rebels. Libya's prime minister said he was unaware of training camps in his country but repeated Libya's strong support for Syrians "who are raising their voice asking for freedom".

Syrian authorities have repeatedly said weapons are being smuggled from neighbouring countries, including Lebanon, to arm rebels fighting Assad

(1) I'm not advising military action.

(2) I agree that the UN investigators should be permitted to do their job.

(3) I was just responding to your question about whether I thought Assad was responsible for the attack and what his reasoning might be.

Yeah, I thought you made it clear this morning you weren't for a military action. I should have mentioned that.

Here are some things that are very interesting to me:

The U.S. had earlier delivered a caution to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, with a senior official telling him the inspection mission was pointless and no longer safe, said a person familiar with the matter. Mr. Ban ordered his team to continue their work, this person said.

I read this as the US pressuring the UN to call off inspections. Ask yourself, (and I am speaking very generally about non-bush supporters, not to anyone in particular), if this was Bush, what would your reaction be? Bush pressuring the UN to call off weapons inspections so he can attack early?

The U.N. investigators are mandated to determine whether chemical attacks occurred, but not who initiated them. U.S. officials said Monday they expected their own intelligence assessment on the attacks, details of which could be released publicly as early as Tuesday, to conclude that forces loyal to Mr. Assad were behind the poison-gas attack, not the rebels, as the Assad regime and Russia have alleged.

Administration officials made clear Mr. Obama would make his decision based on the U.S. assessment and not the findings brought back by the U.N. inspectors.

So the administration has already decided what their investigation will determine. Hmmm. And they have made clear that if the UN presses on with its own investigation, they will disregard those results. If this was Bush, what would you have said?

Come on now. Come on! Tell the truth, at least to yourself. If this was Bush, who do we know on this board who would be screaming bloody murder? Let's stop the bullshit.
The action contemplated would be calculated to meet U.S. and international legal tests without ending the civil war in Syria or forcing Assad from power, administration and congressional officials said. The goal of the brief campaign with long-range weapons also would be to express international outrage over the apparent use of banned nerve agents and limit Assad’s ability to conduct further strikes, officials said. But it would not directly attack Assad’s remaining stockpiles of chemical weapons, largely out of concern that an attack could spread the agents.

Preparations for military action among U.S. allies were clear. The British prime minister’s office said British forces were drawing up contingency plans for a “proportionate” response to the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria, while France said it was ready to “punish” those responsible, raising the possibility that the European nations could join a possible U.S.-led military strike.

British Prime Minister David Cameron cut short a vacation to return to London and announced that he would recall Parliament to the capital on Thursday to discuss a possible military response.

In a televised address, French President Francois Hollande said it was the world’s responsibility to take action.

“France is ready to punish those who took the decision to gas the innocent,” Hollande said.

more crap if you want it -the Arab League ( led by the Sunni Saudi Arabia, mostly Sunni states) also supports the US/west's coming attack.

Note they are not going after chem weapons......so if this is true? why would Assad not REALLY use them now??

This is becoming a geo- political retaliation, little to do with "international law"
Even Gingrich is against intervention in Syria!


Stop shit stirring Cawacko! We have Tom for that.

Ok, fair enough. But her point was pretty clear. She was essentially saying if you don't support the U.S. going into Syria you are racist. I didn't attack her personally and I don't see a problem questioning her about that belief.