No I wouldn't.
Why not? Eliminating government just seems so crazed, especially since you want government run healthcare, in the other thread.
No I wouldn't.
Why not? Eliminating government just seems so crazed, especially since you want government run healthcare, in the other thread.
I love how people try to separate government from people as if it has a life of its own without people. Government is nothing more than human realtions. Set up any boundry you like and put people in and you will see people almost immediately try to figure out how to get arround the boundry. This is all government is. Its a set of rules which is made by people to accomplish a common goal. At first people try to figure out what they can do within the rules, then they figure out what needs to be added to the rules to make them easier to get the job done, then they try to figure out how to get arround the rules, then they ignore the rules if nothing happens to them. Government is an endless process of adapting the rules to the current situation. This is why we have a constitution in this country. Its an attempt at certain unchangable boundries we can all agree on.
The Idea of limmited government is a sham. Di makes it perfectly clear in his argument and you are just incapable of seeing it AZ.
Reform of government is whacking a new coat of paint on the old furniture to treat woodworm, just cover up the holes and it looks good as new. The essence of government is never really reformed. True, its oppressiveness can be reduced but it's still there.
On healthcare. That's a discussion grounded in the here and now. While we have to have governments right now we should use them for as much general benefit as possible.
He says it's possible to have limited government. It is possible. And we have had it in the past. Once again, you're thinking in extremist binary terms.
No hes saying that it can not stay "limited" because of the nature of the human race and history shows that.
Its a pipe dream.
Oppressiveness can be reduced to very acceptable levels in my view.
AssHatZombie: said:You ruin government with the "use if for everything we can" approach you just espoused.
Healthcare grounded in the here and now? You need government for that, though you really want no government, though government isn't bad in theory it necessarily will be in implementation, so we should use it for everything, though it's bad. You're talking in ignorant cirles you fucking dillhole.
It's not a pipe dream. And he actually said it was possible. He made a big point about it actually. I can find it if you want. But fuck his opinion anyway, he's an idiot.
WHy don't you make an actual argument instead, or just suck my fat wang.You fool, read your statement again.
Yes, healthcare in the here and now requires government. So? Of course I want no government but that's not inconsistent with my realisation of the here and now.
You're a young fool, I see it now. Reminds me of the adage to teenagers, "leave home now while you know it all."