Poll: Teddy is out of his leauge on Mt Rushmoore

Is Teddy out of his leauge with the likes of lincoln, washington, and jefferson?

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No, TR's philosophy impacted the 20th Century (horribly) in the same way that Jefferson's impacted the 19th. I'd say he's not out of his league. Granted, the only one of the four I'm a huge fan of is Washington...
TR is awesome and this thread is now chock full of fail...

No, TR's philosophy impacted the 20th Century (horribly) in the same way that Jefferson's impacted the 19th. I'd say he's not out of his league. Granted, the only one of the four I'm a huge fan of is Washington...

Dude, where do you study history? Revisionist U? Mississipi State? Give me a break!

TR and FDR are the only truely great Presidents of the 20th century. TR catipulted the US onto the world state as a world power you'd be hard pressed to give intelligent reason as to why he shouldn't be considered one of the greatest instead of some lame unidentified reference to his policy legacy.
Dude, where do you study history? Revisionist U? Mississipi State? Give me a break!

TR and FDR are the only truely great Presidents of the 20th century. TR catipulted the US onto the world state as a world power you'd be hard pressed to give intelligent reason as to why he shouldn't be considered one of the greatest instead of some lame unidentified reference to his policy legacy.

learn to vote then
Rather see Reagan up there.


Look, I'm sure as a wingnut you'd prefer to have Reagan up there but the fact of the matter is, and I mean no disrespect to Reagan, was that he was a very popular but average President who has left a mixed bag legacy including a devastating legacy of debt. The story will never really be out on Reagan until his debts are paid off.

But to even put him in the league with TR, Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln is just so completely laughable! LOL
Reagan is certainly better remembered and admired by the public than TR.

I bet if you did a national poll on replacing with TR with Reagan, Reagan would win.
But isn't he responsible for freeing more people worldwide with the least amount of force and violence? I would think you liberals would love that. *shrug*

OH please. do explain that one to me. Oh...I'm sorry. You meant Truman, right? I mean it was Truman that developed the strategy that brought down the Soviet Empire. That's who you meant, right? I mean Reagan only continued Trumans policies though he did say mean things to Gorbachev, didn't he?
Reagan is certainly better remembered and admired by the public than TR.

I bet if you did a national poll on replacing with TR with Reagan, Reagan would win.

No, Reagan is irrationally popular with wing nuts. Reagan was a good man and a good president but he wasn't in the same league as TR. I mean I voted for Reagan twich and find the idea that anyone would even compare him to TR to be completely laughable and if Reagan were alive today, he'd be laughing with me! LOL
OH please. do explain that one to me. Oh...I'm sorry. You meant Truman, right? I mean it was Truman that developed the strategy that brought down the Soviet Empire. That's who you meant, right? I mean Reagan only continued Trumans policies though he did say mean things to Gorbachev, didn't he?
You must have a different history book than I do. Truman's policy was containment, Reagan's was of victory.
Dude, where do you study history? Revisionist U? Mississipi State? Give me a break!

TR and FDR are the only truely great Presidents of the 20th century. TR catipulted the US onto the world state as a world power you'd be hard pressed to give intelligent reason as to why he shouldn't be considered one of the greatest instead of some lame unidentified reference to his policy legacy.

Really? War is a good thing in preserving a nation's character? That's the kind of sentiment we want crowned up there on Rushmore? TR was a douchebag who cheerled two pointless wars and further eroded our republican principles by carving out an American Empire, all because he thought it would help restore unity lost in the Civil War, and build "our Honah!" You could say the same thing about Bush in the aftermath of 9/11, except he fucked up by mishandling Iraq. He's not gonna be on Rushmore anytime soon.

My favorite 20th Century presidents were Reagan, Eisenhower, and Taft. Also, Coolidge and Bush the Wiser. Between the five of them the largest scale war was the Persian Gulf War, and the biggest tragedy was Eisenhower allowing Dulles, the CIA, and the UFC to screw over Guatemala.
No, Reagan is irrationally popular with wing nuts. Reagan was a good man and a good president but he wasn't in the same league as TR. I mean I voted for Reagan twich and find the idea that anyone would even compare him to TR to be completely laughable and if Reagan were alive today, he'd be laughing with me! LOL

Good for you that has nothing to do with what I said, which is that Reagan is better remembered and more popular than TR with the current living citizens of America.

And FYI, the rest of that is your opinion and nothing more. Stick to making sweeping, oversimplified generalizations about your own field of expertise.
Reagan is certainly better remembered and admired by the public than TR.

I bet if you did a national poll on replacing with TR with Reagan, Reagan would win.

I won't argue that with you, but don't you think, just possibly, that phenomenon might be due to the fact that Reagan left office just 24 years ago whereas Teddy was President more than 100 ago? Even bush might win under those.............nah, Ill take that back.