Poll: Teddy is out of his leauge on Mt Rushmoore

Is Teddy out of his leauge with the likes of lincoln, washington, and jefferson?

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Then I guess there's not much left to say, except that you are the poster boy for retrocative abortion

Only because he's more recent.

In later generations Reagan will be despised because he started the conservative plague that has stripped us of our former glory.

I despised him while he was doing it
The 70s were very glorious. What a loss it was to be stripped of it all (granted, the 80s were a cultural wasteland in which Disco met an untimely death and music generally sucked), and the economic malaise it heralded...
The 70s were very glorious. What a loss it was to be stripped of it all (granted, the 80s were a cultural wasteland in which Disco met an untimely death and music generally sucked), and the economic malaise it heralded...
Disco sucks.
The 70s were very glorious. What a loss it was to be stripped of it all (granted, the 80s were a cultural wasteland in which Disco met an untimely death and music generally sucked), and the economic malaise it heralded...

Disco met an untimely death? What sort of sick twisted pervert are you??
I think Rushmore should not be changed.

I do, however, thimk that Teddy should go up before Ronnie!

Personally I think Mt. Rushmore should be blown up. Boy talk about tactless. Building a monument to US Presidents in the most important Holy Land of Native Americans, a peoples we commited genocide against, is about like building a monument to Hitler by the Wailing Wwall. Someone just wasn't using his head when he chose that location.
Personally I think Mt. Rushmore should be blown up. Boy talk about tactless. Building a monument to US Presidents in the most important Holy Land of Native Americans, a peoples we commited genocide against, is about like building a monument to Hitler by the Wailing Wwall. Someone just wasn't using his head when he chose that location.
Good point, but too late. Its only temporary anyway. Remember New Hampshire's "Old Man of the Mountain"? It's now "Pile of Old Stones in the Valley". They bankrolled their entire image on that POS as a logo on every State document and sign.
Good point, but too late. Its only temporary anyway. Remember New Hampshire's "Old Man of the Mountain"? It's now "Pile of Old Stones in the Valley". They bankrolled their entire image on that POS as a logo on every State document and sign.

True, by geological standards it will only be there a very short time.
Disco was okay. I still love the days of Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues...

Music that is timeless. Not many disco song will go on and on.
You two suck, Disco was one of the best music movements ever!

But I suppose you good 'ole boys prefer Johnny Cash and country...
I've always been a fan of most types of music. The only exceptions are disco, opera, and most anything written after 1980 or so except modern country music which is really the new rock and roll.
I've always been a fan of most types of music. The only exceptions are disco, opera, and most anything written after 1980 or so except modern country music which is really the new rock and roll.

80's music did suck for the most part. 90s music was excellent, however. With particular emphasis on 1998, which was the best year in music ever. Probably the iconic song of 90s rock would have to be Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden.