Poll: Teddy is out of his leauge on Mt Rushmoore

Is Teddy out of his leauge with the likes of lincoln, washington, and jefferson?

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Reagan is certainly better remembered and admired by the public than TR.

I bet if you did a national poll on replacing with TR with Reagan, Reagan would win.

Only because he's more recent.

In later generations Reagan will be despised because he started the conservative plague that has stripped us of our former glory.
Did you even read what Watermarxist posted? :wha:

Did you?
I read what he said before the "shut the fuck up", an opinion, and I read what he said after the "shut the fuck up", a stupid comment.
Perhaps you can explain how the "stfu" can lead to the later requested "adult debate" particularly after reading the tone of the posts before and after the comment.
Did you?
I read what he said before the "shut the fuck up", an opinion, and I read what he said after the "shut the fuck up", a stupid comment.
Perhaps you can explain how the "stfu" can lead to the later requested "adult debate" particularly after reading the tone of the posts before and after the comment.

I guess the next question should be, have your familiarized yourself with Watermark's brand of hyperpole.

Epic got annoyed with his hyperbole, because its WM's way of saying, I don't give a shit, I just wanted to post in this thread.

Doing what Watermark does 95% of the time, and I do about 60% of the time admittedly, is not adult conversation or mature, and Epic is completely within his right to call us on it.

I think we should make a Kiddies section of the site for people like Watermark, Brent, and Dixie who just want to flame. It would get more use than the Conspiracy Forum.