Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Couldn't locate the site I used to use that included the 1854 platform, but, the 1856 platform also includes it. Scroll to the third resolution.Do you have a link to the original platform?
Disagreed on the party not changing. The final phase of the RNC's evolution toward imploding began in 1996. While I, too, was a local Tea Party member, when it got to DC, it evolved into Neo-Cons who I didn't like. There were other variations in there but the most destructive was the act of Republicans eating their own. Anyone who did not march in lockstep with the party agenda was considered a RINO. By those standards, both Reagan and Goldwater were RINOs. The GOP died and the RNC shrank. Eventually the RNC died too only to be replaced by the Party of Trump even though it keeps the RNC name.
Yes, from talking to Trumptards, it does seem Reagan is being considered a RINO.