Poll: Will the Stock Market be back to normal by November?

Will the Stock Market be back to normal?

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Agreed. The Republican Party, of which Lincoln was their first President, was a "third party" that didn't rise to power until the Whigs collapsed in on themselves. I think the current Republican Party is headed that direction. So who will take over? IMO, the Libertarians.

Add to this the simple math even Ms. Hillary "3 million votes" Clinton only won 48.2% of the vote because so many Americans voted their conscience, not for who they think will win.

The Whig Party collapsed the instant the GOP was formed. In no races of 1854 were GOP candidates in a third party position.
Haven't you been listening to all the RWNJs? Lefties are too fucking stupid and lazy to own stocks. They just sit and wait for their welfare checks.

Well, except for Bernie Sanders who uses the "legal" insider trading that the legislators enjoy to take a government job and become a millionaire with many houses.
Well, except for Bernie Sanders who uses the "legal" insider trading that the legislators enjoy to take a government job and become a millionaire with many houses.

Like Trump isn't really a President, he just plays one on tv, Bernie Sanders isn't really a socialist, he just plays one the same way.
Not if it brings about the overthrow of capitalism!
That's quite a theory.

While there are some LW conspiracy theorists, has anyone figured out why the most off-the-wall conspiracy theorists are mostly people so far to the right they are in danger of going over the edge? Is it because, besides being our first Reality TV host president that Trump is also our first conspiracy theorist president?

As for the economy. I think it will bounce back pretty quickly once improved testing and, even better, a cure is found.
Um, your timeline ends in 1856. A year in which Millard Fillmore ran as a Know Nothing rather than as a Whig.


In 1854, the GOP did not have a third-place finish in the midterm elections.

Yes. The Whigs finally died after a few years of struggling. One reason why Davy Crockett lost his reelection and went to Texas in 1836 was because he'd been caught up on a Whig scandal. The Whigs had been declining for years before the emergence of the Republican Party.

The GOP was born in 1854. Notice how far it's goals have strayed from it's origins.

The Republican Party emerged in 1854 to combat the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the expansion of slavery into American territories. The early Republican Party consisted of African-Americans, northern white Protestants, businessmen, professionals, factory workers, and farmers. The GOP was pro-business, and it supported banks, the gold standard, railroads and high tariffs; the party opposed the expansion of slavery. At its inception, Republican Party had almost no presence in the Southern United States; by 1858, however it had enlisted former Whigs and former Free Soil Democrats to form majorities in nearly every Northern state.
Yes. The Whigs finally died after a few years of struggling. One reason why Davy Crockett lost his reelection and went to Texas in 1836 was because he'd been caught up on a Whig scandal. The Whigs had been declining for years before the emergence of the Republican Party.

The GOP was born in 1854. Notice how far it's goals have strayed from it's origins.

The Republican Party emerged in 1854 to combat the Kansas–Nebraska Act and the expansion of slavery into American territories. The early Republican Party consisted of African-Americans, northern white Protestants, businessmen, professionals, factory workers, and farmers. The GOP was pro-business, and it supported banks, the gold standard, railroads and high tariffs; the party opposed the expansion of slavery. At its inception, Republican Party had almost no presence in the Southern United States; by 1858, however it had enlisted former Whigs and former Free Soil Democrats to form majorities in nearly every Northern state.

Party hasn't changed much. The original party platform called for a defense of traditional marriage, and our position on slavery was derided as religious extremism by the godless Democrats.
Party hasn't changed much. The original party platform called for a defense of traditional marriage, and our position on slavery was derided as religious extremism by the godless Democrats.
Do you have a link to the original platform?

Disagreed on the party not changing. The final phase of the RNC's evolution toward imploding began in 1996. While I, too, was a local Tea Party member, when it got to DC, it evolved into Neo-Cons who I didn't like. There were other variations in there but the most destructive was the act of Republicans eating their own. Anyone who did not march in lockstep with the party agenda was considered a RINO. By those standards, both Reagan and Goldwater were RINOs. The GOP died and the RNC shrank. Eventually the RNC died too only to be replaced by the Party of Trump even though it keeps the RNC name.