Poll: Will the Stock Market be back to normal by November?

Will the Stock Market be back to normal?

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Poll results are predictable. The Trump haters are pessimistic about the stock market and Trump supporter optimistic. Politics, not economics, determined their poll choice.
Poll results are predictable. The Trump haters are pessimistic about the stock market and Trump supporter optimistic. Politics, not economics, determined their poll choice.

Well, I'm more of a 'Left' person, but I think the Stock Market will fluctuate in the 23,000s and trend higher.
My reasoning ISN'T political. My reasoning is that people that have 'Money' will need to do something with it.
You can only keep it under the mattress for so long, then you have to deploy it.
At some point, people realize Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. won't be going bankrupt anytime too soon and will act accordingly.
It will certainly be a lot closer than two months ago. Still, I think Trump has an edge as the incumbent. Biden is a nice guy but he's too old to break in as a new President thus giving Trump an edge.

Pfffft! The Voting Majority would vote for Icky Twerp before they would vote for Donald Trump!

Pfffft! The Voting Majority would vote for Icky Twerp before they would vote for Donald Trump!


So would I, but neither he or anyone else likely to win be on the ballot. I'll be voting a straight Libertarian ticket...unless Pence is the headliner on the Republican side. ;)
Hello Dutch Uncle,

LOL. More like the market stays down for another year and Trump is reelected because the best the Democrats have is Joe Biden? A bad news/bad news thing. :D

Most of the people who voted for DT said they did not really like him.

I don't really like Biden.
Hello Flash,

Poll results are predictable. The Trump haters are pessimistic about the stock market and Trump supporter optimistic. Politics, not economics, determined their poll choice.

That was an unavoidable factor in my vote. I have made no secret of the fact that while I don't wish to see anyone endure economic hardship, if that's what it takes to rid our nation of the scourge, then it's a trade-off I can reluctantly accept.

But my vote was also influenced by being realistic about the economic impact of CV.

We are not going to be able to turn the economy back on like a light switch. Bankruptcies are about to go through the roof. Market demand is about to fall through the floor. The impacts will be far, wide and lasting. There is a very likely factor of large corporate failures.

Everything changed when CV got loose. There is no coming right back strong.

What there will be is impacts, aftermath, secondary impacts, ripple effects, and picking up the pieces.
Hello Jack,

Well, I'm more of a 'Left' person, but I think the Stock Market will fluctuate in the 23,000s and trend higher.
My reasoning ISN'T political. My reasoning is that people that have 'Money' will need to do something with it.
You can only keep it under the mattress for so long, then you have to deploy it.
At some point, people realize Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. won't be going bankrupt anytime too soon and will act accordingly.

Amazon warehouses in France have been shut down.

The ones in America are going great guns, taking virtually no precautions, and rapidly becoming mini epicenters. They will have to be shut down, sanitized, and new procedures put into place which are going to be costly and impact their methodology and efficiency. They simply cannot continue to ignore the problem and conduct business as is. Business as is has become dangerous to workers.
March 23 was the bottom (so far) and the Recovery is in full swing.
Trump is depending on a good economy for re-election, so what is your prediction?

Up 492 today. I would imagine this makes a lot of Trump hating leftists sad. My guess is that as we move towards normalcy, the market will regain most of what it lost by early next year. By the end of Trump's second term it will be comfortably in the 30 thousands.

We hit bottom on March 23rd at 18,591.93 It has climbed 5,374 points even before we stop this buffoonish Government forced lock down on businesses.

What is your guess?