Poor Zappa - Waaaaaah!

Well how about that...me & Tom are "gay on each other."

Well, thank you at least for not going with another fat joke. I mean, they do get boring. As you can imagine, after 35+ years, "I've heard them all" as the saying goes.

But are you sure "gay" is the way to go? It just seems so...I don't know...petty.

Hey, don't get me wrong, everyone can tell you hate homosexuals from the way you toss around that insult, so it's just natural you'd go to the well once again, but come on...I was hoping for something a little more original.

You've got a little more going on upstairs than disloyal, so I know you can do it.

Perform lil' monkey, PERFORM!!!

Well how about that...me & Tom are "gay on each other."

Well, thank you at least for not going with another fat joke. I mean, they do get boring. As you can imagine, after 35+ years, "I've heard them all" as the saying goes.

But are you sure "gay" is the way to go? It just seems so...I don't know...petty.

Hey, don't get me wrong, everyone can tell you hate homosexuals from the way you toss around that insult, so it's just natural you'd go to the well once again, but come on...I was hoping for something a little more original.

You've got a little more going on upstairs than disloyal, so I know you can do it.

I'm sorry Zappas, I didn't mean to insult you. As a liberal, you are told to think that gay is normal moral natural and healthy, so why would it be an insult to you?:)
Well how about that...me & Tom are "gay on each other."

Well, thank you at least for not going with another fat joke. I mean, they do get boring. As you can imagine, after 35+ years, "I've heard them all" as the saying goes.

But are you sure "gay" is the way to go? It just seems so...I don't know...petty.

Hey, don't get me wrong, everyone can tell you hate homosexuals from the way you toss around that insult, so it's just natural you'd go to the well once again, but come on...I was hoping for something a little more original.

You've got a little more going on upstairs than disloyal, so I know you can do it.

I'm sorry Zappas, I didn't mean to insult you. As a liberal, you are told to think that gay is normal moral natural and healthy, so why would it be an insult to you?:)

Wasn't this what I said you did (in another thread) and you denied it?

Hmmmm, how soon they forget.
and he's not a coward for negging you. christ on a pogo stick it takes to seconds to do and it's fun. Everyone on this site negs and posreps everybody else. zappas isn't the exception here.

LOL, yepper says the guy who neg repped me into total oblivion once.

Btw I did whine about it though. Something like -100k or somesuch.
1) everything you are saying can be applied to you
2) everybody on this site gets neg repped. You are the only person that starts threads about it. That pretty much says it all right there

have a nice day sweetie ;)

Hahahahaha! Right....Did you forget about uscitizen and his huge fucking whine thread about how you neg repped him unfairly...GAWD Grind be fucking honest. I mean if you are gonna be such a girl learn how to get your bitch on son!

What I know that you don't know, is Loyal always pos reps the whiney shits who neg rep her and loves to put it their faces is all.
Hahahahaha! Right....Did you forget about uscitizen and his huge fucking whine thread about how you neg repped him unfairly...GAWD Grind be fucking honest. I mean if you are gonna be such a girl learn how to get your bitch on son!

What I know that you don't know, is Loyal always pos reps the whiney shits who neg rep her and loves to put it their faces is all.

Read the posts assdancer. I just posted on that and admitted to whining about it. I had trouble not whining about -100k or whatever it was.
Hahahahaha! Right....Did you forget about uscitizen and his huge fucking whine thread about how you neg repped him unfairly...GAWD Grind be fucking honest. I mean if you are gonna be such a girl learn how to get your bitch on son!

What I know that you don't know, is Loyal always pos reps the whiney shits who neg rep her and loves to put it their faces is all.

Grind prays no one pays attention. For the most part, they don't. Except when he's caught with his knickers around his ankles.

You see USC belly up to the bar here?

"Yes indeedy! Anything y'all want to know about this here board, I got the goods on."

Can you say: "What happened to my life?'