Poor Zappa - Waaaaaah!

Grind prays no one pays attention. For the most part, they don't. Except when he's caught with his knickers around his ankles.

You see USC belly up to the bar here?

"Yes indeedy! Anything y'all want to know about this here board, I got the goods on."

Can you say: "What happened to my life?'

Read the posts USAblower to the end.

You have been pwned, if anyone would wAnt you.
Grind prays no one pays attention. For the most part, they don't. Except when he's caught with his knickers around his ankles.

You see USC belly up to the bar here?

"Yes indeedy! Anything y'all want to know about this here board, I got the goods on."

Can you say: "What happened to my life?'

He needs rationed Obamacare.
Wife found your doll again huh tom.


Why this doll appears to be a Eunuch!


Congrats Ass Dancer and USA Blower to the end. You are the 2 sole members of my ignore list.

May this start a trend.
Congrats Ass Dancer and USA Blower to the end. You are the 2 sole members of my ignore list.

May this start a trend.

Translation: I came into this thread calling names and when I had my gonads handed to me I cried. Now I want everyone who does not like these posters to IA them too...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :cof1:

You really do look like Tom's eunuch underneath that thin flannel robe huh!
Congrats Ass Dancer and USA Blower to the end. You are the 2 sole members of my ignore list.

May this start a trend.

Well there you go. USCrybaby! You plop your ass in the middle of something and then when you can't get to us, you IA us.

We knew you couldn't handle it all along, wussie.

Now go to the corner where you belong and suck your thumb old man.
Translation: I came into this thread calling names and when I had my gonads handed to me I cried. Now I want everyone who does not like these posters to IA them too...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :cof1:

You really do look like Tom's eunuch underneath that thin flannel robe huh!
