Post the best looking girls you can find!

Here is one of the prettiest girls in my life
PFFFFT! Trying to choose the best looking woman in the world is all too much like trying to choose the best guitarist in the world- or the best grain of sand in the world.

Too difficult a choice.

Let me just say, that after being married twice to two of the most beautiful women TO ME in the world, a whole lot of extra baggage and drama came and went with them! LOL!
I looked at the two dimensional photos and not one of them comes close to a Eurasian woman I saw in the lobby of Raffles Hotel in Singapore in the late1950s.


She was talking to several British women and was so breathtaking I never forgot her. Every one of Hollywood’s great screen beauties were repulsive by comparison. Not only was she stunningly beautiful she was a picture of perfect posture, figure, complexion, and poise.

In a way I am eternally happy I never spoke to her. A flawed personality would have diminished my memory of perfection.

p.s. Old time seaman used to say that a race horse, a ship under sail, and a naked woman are the three most beautiful things in the world. I never found a reason to doubt it.
This person is a remarkable example of brains and beauty.
She is from Somalia, and is a Professor of Archeology.
Trump and his fanboys might be shocked to learn that shithole countries produce outstanding minds.
She is a public intellectual, and I have seen her on PBS and National Geographic - I am currently watching her in a series about African history.
My first question ... does she have a cliterous? (They seem to be big on FGM over there)

This person is a remarkable example of brains and beauty.
She is from Somalia, and is a Professor of Archeology.
Trump and his fanboys might be shocked to learn that shithole countries produce outstanding minds.
She is a public intellectual, and I have seen her on PBS and National Geographic - I am currently watching her in a series about African history.
Jade. Hot Babes. You know, the ones with the inviting, friendly, provacative smiles, killer butts, jack-off tits, and the tight and really wet vaginas.
(Don't take this the wrong way, but you're letting Team Amazon down on this front) :(

It says the best looking girls, and butcher case display bimbos don't do anything, but make me cringe. If you don't like doggies, I can post some kick butt Star Wars, or anime gals.