Post your favorite nostalgia stuff.

I still have the Jeep and the cannon. I blew up the Jeep engine (seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. I blew up the motor in my Cobra, too!), but the cannon still works.

I want that type of Jeep they had in M*A*S*H tv show.
It's the same one, isn't it (or very close)? Not much changed from WWII to Korea.

Probably. I want that particular one. Don't ask me why. I just do.

Here's something to watch since i was talking about nostalgia stuff and the jeeps and MASH.

It's the same one, isn't it (or very close)? Not much changed from WWII to Korea.

This is what I want. Don't ask me why.

So did a lot of people. Despite how many were produced, they command a good price today.

I am sure. When my high school teacher told us about them throwing all of those shit, including good motorcycles (while showing the video) during WW2 and Vietnam War into the ocean, all of our hearts sank along with the teacher. I'm surprised he didn't die.
I am sure. When my high school teacher told us about them throwing all of those shit, including good motorcycles (while showing the video) during WW2 and Vietnam War into the ocean, all of our hearts sank along with the teacher. I'm surprised he didn't die.

After the war, a lot of military surplus was sold for pennies on the dollar or destroyed. You could buy an M-1 Garand at the local hardware store!
After the war, a lot of military surplus was sold for pennies on the dollar or destroyed. You could buy an M-1 Garand at the local hardware store!

Well yeah but a lot of vehicles and motorcycles got dumped in the ocean. Why?
Dunno maybe. But I saw it on M*A*S*H tv show and just immediately fell in love with it. Shift stick and it can go over any terrains.

The first Jeeps were somewhat crude and unreliable, but were quickly upgraded and were easy to work on.
After the war, people loved the fact they could take them off-road and beat the shit out of them and drive
back home (if they didn't break it).