Post your IQ test scores!

You've spent more time posting to Dutch in this thread than it takes to take the test and post results. :dunno:

He scored 127, can you beat it?
Most of us already know a 7th grader can beat Dutch physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Unfortunately the nature of this forum -- and others too -- tends to weed out the intelligent, articulate, civil ppl on both sides. As DU pointed out, often you'll open an interesting-looking discussion and see that the first couple of pages are great with both sides making good points. But by the time you get to the end, it's devolved into "you're an asshole" "No, YOU are" juvenile insults and threats.

You are a pompous dilettante, that's just a fact. Conceited, arrogant, self-important, condescending, egoististical, hectoring, vain, snobbish, poseur and pseud also apply. No wonder you hitched your wagon to Crypiss, he is all of those and quite a few more. He ran away from here for several years because he was so ridiculed and slunk back in recent times hoping the newbies wouldn't find out what boor and a phoney he is. He is a typical Californicator or as they say in Yorkshire, he's all fur coat and no knickers. It was a dark day when you signed up to JPP, you're even worse than Tiki Tavi and his posse from USMB, they at least had the good sense to go elsewhere.
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You are a pompous dilettante, that's just a fact. Conceited, arrogant, self-important, condescending, egoististical, hectoring, vain, snobbish, poseur and pseud also apply. No wonder you hitched your wagon to Crypiss, he is all of those and quite a few more. He ran away from here for several years because he was so ridiculed and slunk back in recent times hoping the newbies wouldn't find out what boor and a phoney he is. He is a typical Californicator or as they say in Yorkshire, he's all fur coat and no knickers, it was a dark day when you signed up to JPP. You're even worse than Tiki Tavi and his posse from USMB, they at least had the good sense to go elsewhere.

Cry for us some more, little "man." Cry! Cry! Your tears of rage and despair are delicious. :laugh:
Oh, forgot to mention predictable and sad.

The point is you side with those who lack EQ and justify their toxic behavior by claiming they are worldly and well read. It's important to make the effort to show why someone doesn't know what they're talking about even when all their toadies will show up to agree with an obvious falsehood.

I did not know you were paying so much attention to my posts and practicing your armchair Sigmund Freud psychoanalyst act on me.

I am pretty sure any reasonable and fair minded person would find 99.999999999999999 percent of my posts to be topical, gossip-free, cursing-free, and reasonably mature by message board standards.

I am not going to concern myself if anyone gets outraged because I toss an occasional compliment to one of my cyber-buddies.
Here's the real IQ test.

Do you believe this is an actual IQ test?

If you answered yes, your IQ is below 100, if you answered no, it is above 100. I said no.

Bottom line, it isn't that hard to figure out who is intelligent here and who isn't. The posts speak for themselves. Seems like everyone was over 120. That is, of course, totally absurd. But leave it to Marshall Dillon to get all excited about a website that told him he was pretty durn smert.
Here's the real IQ test.

Do you believe this is an actual IQ test?

If you answered yes, your IQ is below 100, if you answered no, it is above 100. I said no.

Bottom line, it isn't that hard to figure out who is intelligent here and who isn't. The posts speak for themselves. Seems like everyone was over 120. That is, of course, totally absurd. But leave it to Marshall Dillon to get all excited about a website that told him he was pretty durn smert.

It uses the same exact questions as government IQ tests, Cuntfart.

I say you're all mouth and no ass. It's supposed to be a quick fun thing and you're an asshat of a killjoy. I bet you're great at parties! :laugh:
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It uses the same exact questions as government IQ tests, Confart.

I say you're all mouth and no ass. It's supposed to be a quick fun thing and you're an asshat of a killjoy. I bet you're great at parties! :laugh:

LOL, you've obviously never taken an IQ test. Yes, the questions are similar. The results are not.
I did not know you were paying so much attention to my posts and practicing your armchair Sigmund Freud psychoanalyst act on me.

I am pretty sure any reasonable and fair minded person would find 99.999999999999999 percent of my posts to be topical, gossip-free, cursing-free, and reasonably mature by message board standards.

I am not going to concern myself if anyone gets outraged because I toss an occasional compliment to one of my cyber-buddies.
It's not only your cyber-buddies, groupthink is destroying academy, science, and industry. No one is allowed to question the narrative even if it's illogical. There's only about 5% of us willing to go against the grain and deal with the consequence. I see it as an asset and not an affliction. What good is it to have a high IQ if you always take the path of least resistance?
It's not only your cyber-buddies, groupthink is destroying academy, science, and industry. No one is allowed to question the narrative even if it's illogical. There's only about 5% of us willing to go against the grain and deal with the consequence. I see it as an asset and not an affliction. What good is it to have a high IQ if you always take the path of least resistance?

Have you asked your favorite uber-Xtian, Rebekah, about that? lol