Post your IQ test scores!

Top earned a place on my list of inarticulate and mind-numbingly boring posters ages ago, which the scroll-past feature seems perfectly designed for.

Goat seemed to have some interesting insights from what I could tell, but it is always unfortunate when anyone gets dragged down the rabbit hole of petty grudges and festering resentment.
I don't hold grudges but you hold one against Top for not meeting up to your standards. EQ is as important as IQ, especially when it comes to debate.
You are one of about 12 posters who will consistently discuss a wide range of political, scientific, and intellectual topics, so it does not pass the laugh test you only gossip.

One thing I learned about message boards years ago: toxic grudges, INCEL-fueled resentments, petty grievances are the typical fuel for spurious innuendo and salacious libel.

It's a zoo out there I tell ya!
It's a jungle out there!

I don't hold grudges but you hold one against Top for not meeting up to your standards. EQ is as important as IQ, especially when it comes to debate.

Bullshit. You're a disingenuous poster, a liar and a troll. You're also obviously in pain. You should fix that because whatever you're doing isn't working.

Suicide is painless, but I suggest that only as a last resort.
Bullshit. You're a disingenuous poster, a liar and a troll. You're also obviously in pain. You should fix that because whatever you're doing isn't working.

Suicide is painless, but I suggest that only as a last resort.
How many ex's divorced you after they got tired of you physically assaulting them?
I don't hold grudges but you hold one against Top for not meeting up to your standards. EQ is as important as IQ, especially when it comes to debate.

I do not hold grudges. I have too much self control and discipline to cultivate grudges.

The fact that I ignore some posters who I consider boring, mediocre, subpar is a reflection that I have respect for the use of my time.

It does not reflect I am harboring petty grudges.
I do not hold grudges. I have too much self control and discipline to cultivate grudges.

The fact that I ignore some posters who I consider boring, mediocre, subpar is a reflection that I have respect for the use of my time.

It does not reflect I am harboring petty grudges.
The point is you side with those who lack EQ and justify their toxic behavior by claiming they are worldly and well read. It's important to make the effort to show why someone doesn't know what they're talking about even when all their toadies will show up to agree with an obvious falsehood.
I do not hold grudges. I have too much self control and discipline to cultivate grudges.

The fact that I ignore some posters who I consider boring, mediocre, subpar is a reflection that I have respect for the use of my time.

It does not reflect I am harboring petty grudges.
Good philosophy since grudges tie people down. The old adage "If you seek revenge, first dig two graves" is relevant.

Petty grudges detract from ones main goals. Taking down an opponent with humor, wit and logic is a far better course of action.

I avoid many threads on this forum, mainly based upon who started them. Sometimes I'll look but, almost invariably, they just pages of shit-posting to each other. Their choice, but not what I'm looking for.

I've enjoyed your threads and the chit-chat threads more. Some of the political threads bring out great points before they become swarmed with shitposters. As long as there's one or two people in such threads willing to actually discuss the topic, it's worth sticking around. Most don't since the smart posters are avoiding those threads for the same reasons I've mentioned.
Good philosophy since grudges tie people down. The old adage "If you seek revenge, first dig two graves" is relevant.

Petty grudges detract from ones main goals. Taking down an opponent with humor, wit and logic is a far better course of action.

I avoid many threads on this forum, mainly based upon who started them. Sometimes I'll look but, almost invariably, they just pages of shit-posting to each other. Their choice, but not what I'm looking for.

I've enjoyed your threads and the chit-chat threads more. Some of the political threads bring out great points before they become swarmed with shitposters. As long as there's one or two people in such threads willing to actually discuss the topic, it's worth sticking around. Most don't since the smart posters are avoiding those threads for the same reasons I've mentioned.

Grudges are a waste of energy, and time is too valuable to waste reading nonsense.

Luckily, there are enough college educated, or smart well-read posters here to exchange thoughts on a wide range of interesting topics, political or otherwise. Thanks for adding your brain to the mix!
I don't hold grudges but you hold one against Top for not meeting up to your standards. EQ is as important as IQ, especially when it comes to debate.

What standards would those be? Cypress prefers substantial discussion over petty gossip, vendettas, and repeating scurrilous lies that SheWhoMustNotBeNamed gathered from others, from over a decade ago, on a different forum even. It's a shame you have no standards yourself, given the company you keep. :laugh:
The point is you side with those who lack EQ and justify their toxic behavior by claiming they are worldly and well read. It's important to make the effort to show why someone doesn't know what they're talking about even when all their toadies will show up to agree with an obvious falsehood.

Wow, that's an incredible load of irony you got there. May I help you carry it?

The point is you side with those who lack EQ and justify their toxic behavior by claiming they are worldly and well read. It's important to make the effort to show why someone doesn't know what they're talking about even when all their toadies will show up to agree with an obvious falsehood.

He doesn't lack EQ, dumbass. He, like other intelligent, educated, sane people, understands reason must maintain control over emotion. Passion is a good thing. Even anger can be good, but usually not. Hate, jealousy and greed are generally bad things.

If a person is persentally angry, petty and other negative emotions, then that person is usually in some form of pain** and actively seeking to spread that pain to others. This, of course, makes them bitter assholes whom others, including family members, seek to avoid.

Afterall, who wants to hang out with a bitter fucking asshole?

**Pain can be physical or psychological. Regardless of which, they are painful to the individual. Treatment options vary including the ultimate one for release from pain.
Grudges are a waste of energy, and time is too valuable to waste reading nonsense.

Luckily, there are enough college educated, or smart well-read posters here to exchange thoughts on a wide range of interesting topics, political or otherwise. Thanks for adding your brain to the mix!

Unfortunately the nature of this forum -- and others too -- tends to weed out the intelligent, articulate, civil ppl on both sides. As DU pointed out, often you'll open an interesting-looking discussion and see that the first couple of pages are great with both sides making good points. But by the time you get to the end, it's devolved into "you're an asshole" "No, YOU are" juvenile insults and threats.
Unfortunately the nature of this forum -- and others too -- tends to weed out the intelligent, articulate, civil ppl on both sides. As DU pointed out, often you'll open an interesting-looking discussion and see that the first couple of pages are great with both sides making good points. But by the time you get to the end, it's devolved into "you're an asshole" "No, YOU are" juvenile insults and threats.

Maybe my thread ban list needs to be upgraded to filter out the uneducated, the belligerent, the mediocre, the embittered INCEL!
I have several suggestions if you need them. lol

A recent discovery I made is that if one starts a thread about physics, biology, philosophy, world religions, et. al, that elevated level of discourse tends to repel the uneducated and belligerent in exactly the same way sunlight repels vampires.
Maybe my thread ban list needs to be upgraded to filter out the uneducated, the belligerent, the mediocre, the embittered INCEL!

Thread bans are a double-edged sword; they keep out the riff-raff, but they block ideas. Even he uneducated, the belligerent, the mediocre, the embittered incels can have a good idea on occasion.

I usually skim over a lot of posts unless it's a person who can post intelligently. After a month on JPP, I'm sure the intelligent, educated people know who is and who isn't. LOL

The bad news is that the smokey bullshit obscures the intelligent posts of others. Having to choose between the two, I choose not to ban. It's a judgment call and I have no data to back up which way is better.
A recent discovery I made is that if one starts a thread about physics, biology, philosophy, world religions, et. al, that elevated level of discourse tends to repel the uneducated and belligerent in exactly the same way sunlight repels vampires.


They certainly can't stay in the light of educated discourse for very long.