Post your IQ test scores!

Oh look, it's the time-honored Incel "she asked for it" defense. :rolleyes:

I have no doubt Ron Jeremy is guilty as charged. Sure, maybe some of the dozens of charges are not supported by facts or even lies, but there seems to be enough evidence to keep him in jail next to Bill Cosby for the rest of his life.
I post things like that, wait a day then go back and see how many Passive-Aggressive remarks were made about me in TOP's cesspool. It's a fun game sometimes.

One I've enjoyed for over ten years now. She used to be able to put on her big girl panties by herself and respond like someone with a spine. But apparently the aide won't help anymore. So she's forced to hide in the web and PM her latest psycho to defend what she thinks is her "honor." :laugh:
I have no doubt Ron Jeremy is guilty as charged. Sure, maybe some of the dozens of charges are not supported by facts or even lies, but there seems to be enough evidence to keep him in jail next to Bill Cosby for the rest of his life.

Incels often mistake rape for sex. Rape is about power, punishment, rage. Sex is the tool that rapists use to release their rage. If guilty, he belongs in there with Cosby.
One I've enjoyed for over ten years now. She used to be able to put on her big girl panties by herself and respond like someone with a spine. But apparently the aide won't help anymore. So she's forced to hide in the web and PM her latest psycho to defend what she thinks is her "honor." :laugh:

She's old and bitter. No different than a few of the other personalities like hers. People have a choices. As Bettie Davis famously said, "Old age ain't no place for sissies!" Some people allow that to discolor their personalities instead of taking it all in stride.

TOP is one of those people who not only hate getting old, but wants to spread their misery to others. IMHO, that's two major faults negatively affecting her happiness. She's probably been like that most of her adult life, but some people change.

I've known at least two people who were great, but had incapacitating strokes and became bitter and mean. The reason is obvious; they want to die and society won't let them. Ergo, they hate society.

I have no idea what drives TOP's hate but am guessing single mom, hates men but loves attention from men. Most of her problems are self-fulfilling prophecies. Example; dated a certain type of man which ends badly, i.e. he dumps her after a few months of sex. She hates the man but doesn't accept that it was her choice in men that brought her unsatisfying relationship with a man.

She's obviously very unhappy but wears a happy face mask:
You should;) Mine pretty much do all the work for me, though....Especially with the PMs;):laugh:
She's old and bitter. No different than a few of the other personalities like hers. People have a choices. As Bettie Davis famously said, "Old age ain't no place for sissies!" Some people allow that to discolor their personalities instead of taking it all in stride.

TOP is one of those people who not only hate getting old, but wants to spread their misery to others. IMHO, that's two major faults negatively affecting her happiness. She's probably been like that most of her adult life, but some people change.

I've known at least two people who were great, but had incapacitating strokes and became bitter and mean. The reason is obvious; they want to die and society won't let them. Ergo, they hate society.

I have no idea what drives TOP's hate but am guessing single mom, hates men but loves attention from men. Most of her problems are self-fulfilling prophecies. Example; dated a certain type of man which ends badly, i.e. he dumps her after a few months of sex. She hates the man but doesn't accept that it was her choice in men that brought her unsatisfying relationship with a man.

Damn! Bette Davis said that? I thought my old aunt made it up!

She was tough!
She's old and bitter. No different than a few of the other personalities like hers. People have a choices. As Bettie Davis famously said, "Old age ain't no place for sissies!" Some people allow that to discolor their personalities instead of taking it all in stride.

TOP is one of those people who not only hate getting old, but wants to spread their misery to others. IMHO, that's two major faults negatively affecting her happiness. She's probably been like that most of her adult life, but some people change.

I've known at least two people who were great, but had incapacitating strokes and became bitter and mean. The reason is obvious; they want to die and society won't let them. Ergo, they hate society.

I have no idea what drives TOP's hate but am guessing single mom, hates men but loves attention from men. Most of her problems are self-fulfilling prophecies. Example; dated a certain type of man which ends badly, i.e. he dumps her after a few months of sex. She hates the man but doesn't accept that it was her choice in men that brought her unsatisfying relationship with a man.

She's obviously very unhappy but wears a happy face mask:
Gossip is a result of a low IQ. Did you post your 80 IQ?
All you do is gossip. How many ex's you got. You and Owl need to hook up.

Let's bet on that. I say your wrong. If I prove that I do more than gossip, you resign from the forum, never to return under this username or any other.

If I can't prove you wrong, I'll resign forever under the same rules. Bet?
Let's bet on that. I say your wrong. If I prove that I do more than gossip, you resign from the forum, never to return under this username or any other.

If I can't prove you wrong, I'll resign forever under the same rules. Bet?
How many ex's do you have? It's a simple question.