Post your IQ test scores!

You would know, puppet of the leader of the 7th-grade mean girls. :laugh:

Goat is just an angry troll.

Didn't TOP once mention some asshole crippled fuck on Amazon named "KGB" or some bullshit whose entire life was trolling the Internet? Goat would fit right in with those poor, miserable fucks.
Let's bet on that. I say your wrong. If I prove that I do more than gossip, you resign from the forum, never to return under this username or any other.

If I can't prove you wrong, I'll resign forever under the same rules. Bet?
How many ex's do you have? It's a simple question.

Are you refusing the bet? It's okay if you do. It should be clear to all JPP members, even TOP, that you're intelligent, but a miserable scumbag liar who should end his pain.
Are you refusing the bet? It's okay if you do. It should be clear to all JPP members, even TOP, that you're intelligent, but a miserable scumbag liar who should end his pain.
No need to be ashamed of how many ex's you have. The better question is how many of your ex's did you physically assault?
No need to be ashamed of how many ex's you have. The better question is how many of your ex's did you physically assault?

I'm not, but why would I answer questions from a miserable, disingenuous troll who would be better off overdosing on his own meds today?

Why are you refusing to back up your own posts? Because you know you're lying. You know you are trolling.

You're smarter than average, but acting dumber than average. Why? Is it because your life is so miserable that you want to end it but you're too much of a coward to do the job?
I'm not, but why would I answer questions from a miserable, disingenuous troll who would be better off overdosing on his own meds today?

Why are you refusing to back up your own posts? Because you know you're lying. You know you are trolling.

You're smarter than average, but acting dumber than average. Why? Is it because your life is so miserable that you want to end it but you're too much of a coward to do the job?
How many divorced you when they got tired of you physically assaulting them?
Goat is just an angry troll.

Didn't TOP once mention some asshole crippled fuck on Amazon named "KGB" or some bullshit whose entire life was trolling the Internet? Goat would fit right in with those poor, miserable fucks.

I don't doubt, given his immediate glomming onto the one who summoned him, that he is a former Amazonite. He seems intelligent, articulate, and interesting otherwise.
I have had innumerable exchanges with DU on science, politics, religion, history, philosophy, world affairs.

As have we all.

"Goat" is a former Amazonite. He was summoned here because Toxic saw that a particular "tribute thread" was rapidly gaining posts even as she bled psychos who would stick up for her. It's a shame that "goat" had to get stuck to the web, because otherwise he seemed to be an interesting, articulate new person. But as always, the lure of gossip and personal attacks proved to be too much even for a stubborn old goat. lol
Nobody here is a saint, including me.

The scroll feature works nicely if posters are discussing things you would rather avoid.
How toxic are you willing to accept? You enable Dutch to continue pretending to be knowledgeable. There's a big difference between making a mistake and intentionally lying to feed his own ego.
As have we all.

"Goat" is a former Amazonite. He was summoned here because Toxic saw that a particular "tribute thread" was rapidly gaining posts even as she bled psychos who would stick up for her. It's a shame that "goat" had to get stuck to the web, because otherwise he seemed to be an interesting, articulate new person. But as always, the lure of gossip and personal attacks proved to be too much even for a stubborn old goat. lol

Top earned a place on my list of inarticulate and mind-numbingly boring posters ages ago, which the scroll-past feature seems perfectly designed for.

Goat seemed to have some interesting insights from what I could tell, but it is always unfortunate when anyone gets dragged down the rabbit hole of petty grudges and festering resentment.
Top earned a place on my list of inarticulate and mind-numbingly boring posters ages ago, which the scroll-past feature seems perfectly designed for.

Goat seemed to have some interesting insights from what I could tell, but it is always unfortunate when anyone gets dragged down the rabbit hole of petty grudges and festering resentment.

He's just earning his keep by going after DU since the one who summoned him is far too afraid of DU to do it herself. He briefly went after me too upon his arrival here, claimed that I only post gossip in my so-called tribute thread, but don't discuss anything else. :rolleyes: How interesting that a "new guy" would think that, eh? Let's see if he now goes after you and refers to the discredited story about your past here on JPP, a lie he could only get from one source.
He's just earning his keep by going after DU since the one who summoned him is far too afraid of DU to do it herself. He briefly went after me too upon his arrival here, claimed that I only post gossip in my so-called tribute thread, but don't discuss anything else. :rolleyes: How interesting that a "new guy" would think that, eh? Let's see if he now goes after you and refers to the discredited story about your past here on JPP, a lie he could only get from one source.

You are one of about 12 posters who will consistently discuss a wide range of political, scientific, and intellectual topics, so it does not pass the laugh test you only gossip.

One thing I learned about message boards years ago: toxic grudges, INCEL-fueled resentments, petty grievances are the typical fuel for spurious innuendo and salacious libel.

It's a zoo out there I tell ya!