Prayerful faces


Some CS stole my cell phone tonight.

Are there any prayerful people here? If so, can we all put on our prayerful faces and hope he dies, painfully, tonight? Maybe a bad car accident?

Fabulous. Thanks. I knew you Christians were going to be useful for something some day.
Some CS stole my cell phone tonight.

Are there any prayerful people here? If so, can we all put on our prayerful faces and hope he dies, painfully, tonight? Maybe a bad car accident?

Fabulous. Thanks. I knew you Christians were going to be useful for something some day.

This may possibly be the funniest post this year.

BTW - are you aware what CS stands for? That's not very ladylike. tsk tsk tsk.
This may possibly be the funniest post this year.

BTW - are you aware what CS stands for? That's not very ladylike. tsk tsk tsk.

I'm sure it doesn't stand for whatever you're thinking! You so have a dirty mind.

I had to blow off steam, I was really pissed. I have it mostly in perspective now, but...still a little pissed to be honest.
Bad luck to say the least.

First it was the sabotaged lift, then it was the stolen mobile phone.

Tell me, have you, by any chance crashed into a mirror warehouse recently?
Bad luck to say the least.

First it was the sabotaged lift, then it was the stolen mobile phone.

Tell me, have you, by any chance crashed into a mirror warehouse recently?

I'm usually very lucky too. I hope it's not some 7 year thing.
Wow. I can't believe someone actually stole your phone. You should call it and see who answers.
Wow. I can't believe someone actually stole your phone. You should call it and see who answers.

I can't. I reported it last night, so it was disabled. I think it was the person behind me in line at CVS. I was really mad, but this morning my little nephew is having his tonsils out, so I don't care about the phone anymore. I'll buy a new one this week. This will teach me not to laugh and say "suckers" when they ask me if I want insurance on it.
I can't. I reported it last night, so it was disabled. I think it was the person behind me in line at CVS. I was really mad, but this morning my little nephew is having his tonsils out, so I don't care about the phone anymore. I'll buy a new one this week. This will teach me not to laugh and say "suckers" when they ask me if I want insurance on it.

LOL. I never get the insurance. Was it a nice phone? I'm looking ot upgrade.
LOL. I never get the insurance. Was it a nice phone? I'm looking ot upgrade.

Oh it was a great phone Tiana. Everyone who saw it mentioned that. The Verizon guy just gave me this great deal when I went to get a new plan. It wasn't one of the phones that comes with the plan. I'll probably have to pay a couple hundred to replace it now. But I want the same phone. I don't have the style name or number, but when I go to replace it later in the week, I can tell you what it is.
Why didn't those Verizon guys following you around get your phone back ?
Doesn't that get embaressing in the bathroom ?
Oh it was a great phone Tiana. Everyone who saw it mentioned that. The Verizon guy just gave me this great deal when I went to get a new plan. It wasn't one of the phones that comes with the plan. I'll probably have to pay a couple hundred to replace it now. But I want the same phone. I don't have the style name or number, but when I go to replace it later in the week, I can tell you what it is.

I think I want a blackberry now. Wow. a couple of hundred for a phone. But I guess you do have it for a few years.
I was actually thinking about the blackberry this morning. I don't know. I'll see.

I'm looking at phones now through our company website. I'm just not sure.

Oh your insurance story made me think of that commercial where the guy comes out to his car and someone scratched his name into the car and the insurance rep asks him did they carve his nickname or his full name into his car. And of course they don't cover nicknames, only full names.
I'm looking at phones now through our company website. I'm just not sure.

Oh your insurance story made me think of that commercial where the guy comes out to his car and someone scratched his name into the car and the insurance rep asks him did they carve his nickname or his full name into his car. And of course they don't cover nicknames, only full names.

LOL, I have never seen that commerical, but that cracked me up.