Prediction: Zimmy Verdict!

Zimmy: Guilty or Not Guilty

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How Obama administration voted.....

In my experience acquittal come fast. In a case like this my bet is you have one or maybe two holding out for conviction. Identifying with Martins mom, feeling someone should pay. The state did a horrible job prosecuting GZ.

I can agree with that.
I just heard a judge say that the prosecution knows they don't have a case, so they're going for an EMOTIONAL verdict. That is a sad thing if it is the state of the legal system today.
Prosecution did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman committed Murder in the Second Degree.

Many Prosecution witnesses bolstered Zimmerman's case.

The testimony of the Medical Examiner showing how Martin was on top of Zimmerman shows that Zimmerman was being attacked.

Trayvon Martin has a Documented record and propensity for Violence and Criminal Activity.

The Prosecution added the possibility to have Manslaughter considered because they knew they didn't prove their case. It was a hedge bet...

Zimmerman will walk... but he'll be always looking over his shoulder.
Guilty of criminal negligence. Because stupidity isn't a crime, and the state has to toss something to the angry hoard. I don't know what the minimum mandatory is for criminal negligence.
Well actually stupidity can be a crime. What do you think involuntary manslaughter is?
If I had to put money on one I would go with Manslaughter, but I would want odds. I don't think it's better than 50%. I would say it's a plurality with not guilty and mistrial being almost as likely and guilty of 2nd degree murder being a long shot. Mistrial will jump ahead of not guilty as time passes.
I'm guessing involuntary manslaughter. I don't think he murdered Trayvon with a depraved mind which is what the prosecution was arguing via Zimmermans profiling of Trayvon.

I don't think voluntary manslaughter (Manslaughter by Act in FL) quite fits the bill either though it does appear that Zimmerman actions were intentional to confront Trayvon but you could argue that they were excusable or justifiable.

Involuntary manslaughter (by culpable negligence in FL) seems to fit the bill. Zimmerman was engaged in negligent conduct that resulted in a death. The strongest piece of evidence was he disregarded police instructions to stay in his car, left his car and confronted Trayvon. It was this negligent confrontation which lead to Trayvon's death.

I say "quilty" to involuntary manslaughter
Honestly believe if he was going to be acquitted it would have already happened, unless for whatever reason the foreperson didn't take the acquittal vote first. My bet is the jury will be hung.,

one thing to take into account though is this is a high profile case. Ia m sure the jury wont want to be accused of not be thorough. Mark garagos (i know this is anecdotal) said he had some high profile case where the jury had a verdict on friday but waited until monday to give it.
all you have to know is there are no mandatory minimums for manslaughter. he could be convicted of manslaughter and get 3 years. Knowing nelson she would probably give him 5-15
It's not going to be involuntary. He intended to shoot.

Then why didnt he shoot him when he was 20 feet away?

The Medical examiner proved that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and was banging his head on the concrete...

The concrete is a weapon.

Zimmerman fired in self defense. The stand your ground law allows for this... why do you ignore it?
I'm guessing involuntary manslaughter. I don't think he murdered Trayvon with a depraved mind which is what the prosecution was arguing via Zimmermans profiling of Trayvon.

I don't think voluntary manslaughter (Manslaughter by Act in FL) quit fits the bill either though it does appear that Zimmerman actions were intentional to confront Trayvon but you could argue that they were excusable or justifiable.

Involuntary manslaughter (by culpable negligence in FL) seems to fit the bill. Zimmerman was engagedin negligent conduct that resulted in a death. The strongest piece of evidence was he disregarded police instructions to stay in his car, left his car and confronted Trayvon. It was this negligent confrontation which lead to Trayvon's death.

I say "quilty" to involuntary manslaughter

If it is justifiable then he walks, end of story. I don't see where they even mention "involuntary." Even the section on "unnecessary killing to prevent unlawful act" is manslaughter. It's either manslaughter or aggravated manslaughter.