Prejudiced Bigots

No, it's not "simple math" it's "simple bigotry." Perhaps an argument can be made that all humans are predisposed to bigotry in some form? Maybe we all suffer from this, and there isn't anything we can do about it, as it's a part of being human? As individuals, we have our own individual preferences, and therefore, we are prejudiced against the things that aren't preferred, to some degree.

From a purely pragmatic standpoint, I would venture to say less than 1% of southerners are in-bred, breathe through their mouth, never shower, and lack basic education. And this statistic is probably not much different nationwide, 'stupid' doesn't have boundaries. Nevertheless, it is a stereotype you have applied to a large group of people, based on ignorant bigoted prejudice. It's really no different than saying 'blacks are less intelligent than whites' or 'women are less qualified than men', as it uses the same bigoted stereotypical viewpoint and mindset. If you are willing to do this with Southerners, you are just as likely to do this with any number of other groups of people, yet we are all individual.

Sums up your entire supposition; Well done!
No, it's not "simple math" it's "simple bigotry." Perhaps an argument can be made that all humans are predisposed to bigotry in some form? Maybe we all suffer from this, and there isn't anything we can do about it, as it's a part of being human? As individuals, we have our own individual preferences, and therefore, we are prejudiced against the things that aren't preferred, to some degree.

From a purely pragmatic standpoint, I would venture to say less than 1% of southerners are in-bred, breathe through their mouth, never shower, and lack basic education. And this statistic is probably not much different nationwide, 'stupid' doesn't have boundaries. Nevertheless, it is a stereotype you have applied to a large group of people, based on ignorant bigoted prejudice. It's really no different than saying 'blacks are less intelligent than whites' or 'women are less qualified than men', as it uses the same bigoted stereotypical viewpoint and mindset. If you are willing to do this with Southerners, you are just as likely to do this with any number of other groups of people, yet we are all individual.

The statistics showing the rates of graduation from high school and college per capita show a lower rate of education in the southeast. Claim what you will about bigotry, but that is a true statistic.

The life expectancy has continued to rise on most parts of the country, but shown a decline in the southeast, espcially for women.

In 2005 the infant mortality rate for Alabama was 9.1.

The only states with higher infant mortality rates were Louisianna and Mississippi. There were 12 states with infant mortality rates below a 6.0, and NONE of those were in the southeast. There were 10 states with an infant mortality rate higher than an 8.0, and 8 out of that 10 were in the southeast.

The facts are not argueable. It is the perception and the generalizations that we must speak out against.
The statistics showing the rates of graduation from high school and college per capita show a lower rate of education in the southeast. Claim what you will about bigotry, but that is a true statistic.

The life expectancy has continued to rise on most parts of the country, but shown a decline in the southeast, espcially for women.

In 2005 the infant mortality rate for Alabama was 9.1.

The only states with higher infant mortality rates were Louisianna and Mississippi. There were 12 states with infant mortality rates below a 6.0, and NONE of those were in the southeast. There were 10 states with an infant mortality rate higher than an 8.0, and 8 out of that 10 were in the southeast.

The facts are not argueable. It is the perception and the generalizations that we must speak out against.

The increases in infant mortality in much of the US is due to attempts to save premature babies which would otherwise be statistically counted not as infant deaths, but as miscarriages. Is the study you quote delineated by this factoring?
The statistics showing the rates of graduation from high school and college per capita show a lower rate of education in the southeast.

There are all kinds of statistics, they don't support prejudiced bigotry. One could argue these numbers are low for the Southeast because of a high number of African-Americans in the region, who statistically bring the numbers down. One could argue much of this has to do with socioeconomic conditions and cultures, and not the color of pigment in the skin. So a case can be made to support prejudice and stereotypes, or to refute it, depending on what you want to have as a result.

The bottom line is, we are all individuals, and there is no universal statement you can accurately make about an entire group of people. Those who do, are just as likely to make the same generalizations and have the same bigoted prejudice against any number of other groups, although they may not publicly admit it. Generally speaking, you either understand that broad generalizations do not apply, or you don't.
The increases in infant mortality in much of the US is due to attempts to save premature babies which would otherwise be statistically counted not as infant deaths, but as miscarriages. Is the study you quote delineated by this factoring?

The figures exclude fetal deaths. Other than that, it does not say. So the rise could possibly be due to the increased effort to give birth to premature infants.

But the issue is the comparison of the south to the other parts of the nation. The same statistics were used throughout the country.

The numbers come from the National Vital Statistics Reports from the CDC.
There are all kinds of statistics, they don't support prejudiced bigotry. One could argue these numbers are low for the Southeast because of a high number of African-Americans in the region, who statistically bring the numbers down. One could argue much of this has to do with socioeconomic conditions and cultures, and not the color of pigment in the skin. So a case can be made to support prejudice and stereotypes, or to refute it, depending on what you want to have as a result.

The bottom line is, we are all individuals, and there is no universal statement you can accurately make about an entire group of people. Those who do, are just as likely to make the same generalizations and have the same bigoted prejudice against any number of other groups, although they may not publicly admit it. Generally speaking, you either understand that broad generalizations do not apply, or you don't.

You mean like calling liberals pinheads?

After all, there are all kinds of liberals. Fiscal liberals, social liberals, bleeding heart liberals, commie liberals, and even centrist liberals.


I actually don't care. One of the most profound things I have ever learned in life, comes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Judge not by the color of skin, but by content of character." I live by this rule in my life, and I encourage others to do the same. Not only does this apply to race, but also to gender, sexuality, religious beliefs, and culture. I don't apply stereotypes to people, because we are all different and unique. I judge you based on your own individual stupidity, nothing else. I'm sure there are many asswipe emo dorks who are somewhat intelligent out there.

I will add this caveat... I do indeed care if a person is blue, it generally means they are not getting oxygen and are in distress, so I would call 911 immediately and do CPR after checking for blockages in their airways!
You mean like calling liberals pinheads?

After all, there are all kinds of liberals. Fiscal liberals, social liberals, bleeding heart liberals, commie liberals, and even centrist liberals.

"Pinhead" is a label that doesn't necessarily apply to "liberals" that is a misconception. It can also apply to republicans, moderates, libertarians, and independents. It is a judgment I make based on character, not prejudiced and bigoted stereotypes. I know liberals who are not 'pinheads' at all.
The numbers come from the National Vital Statistics Reports from the CDC.

This is a tactic often used by prejudiced bigots to support their ignorant bigotry. A good example is Jimmy The Greek's comments about black athletes, he supported his stereotypical bigotry with the argument that blacks were bred for centuries to run and exhibit athletic prowess, therefore, they make better athletes. Ignorant bigots are not stupid people, in fact, they are very smart and clever. They enable their ignorance and bigotry through things they have learned, through statistics they know, through logical conclusions they have made. Ignorant doesn't mean "stupid" at all.
The figures exclude fetal deaths. Other than that, it does not say. So the rise could possibly be due to the increased effort to give birth to premature infants.

But the issue is the comparison of the south to the other parts of the nation. The same statistics were used throughout the country.

The numbers come from the National Vital Statistics Reports from the CDC.

I don't find it odd that a state like Alabama which has large rural areas would have higher rates of infant death if preemies and post pardom care are factored in. Studies are pretty conclusive that level 2 NICU's which are common in rural areas, have higher rates of infant mortalitity than their urban level 3 NICU's do.

The point of course in understanding a statistic is to be able to pinpoint how and why. Infant mortality is more common where poverty and access to good care is lacking. Education is another area where we can find income disparity and success go hand in hand. Without wishing to over-simplify it also has to be said that generational attitudes about personal responsibility plays a role. Using sub-categories and cross sectioning of populations we come up with pictures of the why and how.

I think the poster has made the point that bigotry has many different faces. Southerners being a favorite target of bigotry by the liberal left
I actually don't care. One of the most profound things I have ever learned in life, comes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Judge not by the color of skin, but by content of character." I live by this rule in my life, and I encourage others to do the same. Not only does this apply to race, but also to gender, sexuality, religious beliefs, and culture. I don't apply stereotypes to people, because we are all different and unique. I judge you based on your own individual stupidity, nothing else. I'm sure there are many asswipe emo dorks who are somewhat intelligent out there.

I will add this caveat... I do indeed care if a person is blue, it generally means they are not getting oxygen and are in distress, so I would call 911 immediately and do CPR after checking for blockages in their airways!

Oh really, Dixie?

So when you started the thread titled "Why Liberals are not liberal-minded", you were not stereotyping liberals?

I can see that you were addressing them as individuals, each with their own differences.
I don't find it odd that a state like Alabama which has large rural areas would have higher rates of infant death if preemies and post pardom care are factored in. Studies are pretty conclusive that level 2 NICU's which are common in rural areas, have higher rates of infant mortalitity than their urban level 3 NICU's do.

The point of course in understanding a statistic is to be able to pinpoint how and why. Infant mortality is more common where poverty and access to good care is lacking. Education is another area where we can find income disparity and success go hand in hand. Without wishing to over-simplify it also has to be said that generational attitudes about personal responsibility plays a role. Using sub-categories and cross sectioning of populations we come up with pictures of the why and how.

I think the poster has made the point that bigotry has many different faces. Southerners being a favorite target of bigotry by the liberal left

I have no doubt that rural hospitals would have a higher incidence of infant mortality than urban or suburban areas. But given that Nebraska, Montana and several other states with vast rural areas have lower infant mortality rates, I think much of the original claims that people living in other regions enjoy better health are probably valid.

Unless you have some evidence to the contrary?
This is a tactic often used by prejudiced bigots to support their ignorant bigotry. A good example is Jimmy The Greek's comments about black athletes, he supported his stereotypical bigotry with the argument that blacks were bred for centuries to run and exhibit athletic prowess, therefore, they make better athletes. Ignorant bigots are not stupid people, in fact, they are very smart and clever. They enable their ignorance and bigotry through things they have learned, through statistics they know, through logical conclusions they have made. Ignorant doesn't mean "stupid" at all.

What? So seeking and obtaining verifiable numbers from the most respected health organization in the nation is a "tactic"?

Are you so paranoid that any evidence that runs against your stated belief is automatically a tactic to be mistrusted?

Its simply information. It shows the southeastern USA to have some problems with health and longevity. I am a southerner. I would love to have the lowest infant mortality rate. But to claim that someone else is bigotted because the point out facts is simply being delusional.
I have no doubt that rural hospitals would have a higher incidence of infant mortality than urban or suburban areas. But given that Nebraska, Montana and several other states with vast rural areas have lower infant mortality rates, I think much of the original claims that people living in other regions enjoy better health are probably valid.

Unless you have some evidence to the contrary?

Proportionately black women have more premature babies. Proportionately more black women live in the south than in Nebraska and Montana. Do you have figures to dispute that? My point of course is that statistics are useless in the way you have attempted to use them.
Proportionately black women have more premature babies. Proportionately more black women live in the south than in Nebraska and Montana. Do you have figures to dispute that? My point of course is that statistics are useless in the way you have attempted to use them.

They are not useless at all.

The original argument was that the south should not be denigrated by people. Someone pointed out that the southerners get divorced more, have poorer health and are poorer. There were also comments made about education.

The statistics, as I quoted them, show a marked difference in the health of southerners as opposed to people in other regions of the USA.

Race was never mentioned at all. The root cause is far more likely to be poverty than any racial tendencies.
Hey! Now you are stepping on my toes. And in a battle of the verbal wits, I don't think you can take me.

Most trekkies I know are very educated and literate, you kind of have to be to know Clingon, or whatever the hell that is. But, who the hell actually spends time out of their day to learn a language no one really uses to communicate, holds up a V symbol like they're gangsters, and dresses up in Halloween costumes that only a five year old would wear to go to the movies. I'd rather hang out with topspin!
They are not useless at all.

The original argument was that the south should not be denigrated by people. Someone pointed out that the southerners get divorced more, have poorer health and are poorer. There were also comments made about education.

The statistics, as I quoted them, show a marked difference in the health of southerners as opposed to people in other regions of the USA.

Race was never mentioned at all. The root cause is far more likely to be poverty than any racial tendencies.

They are useless in the context you wish to pursue. The health stats you chose to use are directly related to the racial discrepancies of the population not being denigrated. Meaning of course that race is and does have to be a part of the discussion if we are going to point to health of the population in southern states. If in fact we look at each of the categories you spoke of I am certain that race and income as opposed to any other statistic will be found to have a commonality that is disproportionate to the rest of the nations population when combined with urban VS rural.

Shall we try?
Most trekkies I know are very educated and literate, you kind of have to be to know Clingon, or whatever the hell that is. But, who the hell actually spends time out of their day to learn a language no one really uses to communicate, holds up a V symbol like they're gangsters, and dresses up in Halloween costumes that only a five year old would wear to go to the movies. I'd rather hang out with topspin!

In fairness, I never actually learned Klingonese, that was Grind claiming that I had. Imagine how hot it would be if I could speak it!
What? So seeking and obtaining verifiable numbers from the most respected health organization in the nation is a "tactic"?

Are you so paranoid that any evidence that runs against your stated belief is automatically a tactic to be mistrusted?

Its simply information. It shows the southeastern USA to have some problems with health and longevity. I am a southerner. I would love to have the lowest infant mortality rate. But to claim that someone else is bigotted because the point out facts is simply being delusional.

I just pointed out that this is a tactic very familiar to the bigot. Do you think white supremacists have no logical 'basis' for their beliefs? If you talk with any of them, they will give you a litany of reasons they believe what they do, and it all follows the same guidelines of basis rooted in statistics and 'facts' they have learned, in order to support their bigoted view. The same is true with those who are prejudiced against gays, or women, or Jews. These "statistics" are what people base their ignorance and bigotry on, and what enables them to cast broad generalized stereotypes across an entire group of people.

As I said, there are any number of arguments one could raise, to 'explain' the statistics you presented, it doesn't necessarily mean it supports your stereotypes and prejudice. You personally use the statistics to support a bigoted view, as do most bigots. That's all I was saying.